Rhetorical Analysis Artifact

Because my speech artifact concerns immigration from Latin America, I decided to use Donald Trump’s campaign announcement speech, particularly the section in which he claims “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” This now-famous quote spoken at Trump’s first official campaign even kickstarted years of “build the wall” and “send them back” chants that are still pervasive today.

When Donald Trump first spoke these words, he intended to use them to rachet up support for his 2016 campaign for president. After winning, they took on a whole other meaning as they were transformed into actual policy. Still, in the moment, Trump was simply reading from a speech designed to create an emotional response to his candidacy.

The section of the speech is arguing that Americans need to vote for Trump in order for their country to be protected from immigrants. At the time, he was simply appealing to pathos, trying to instill fear in potential voters who might see him as the only way to combat the immigration crisis, but over time, this argument became more rooted in reality as policies were being made.

I was drawn to this artifact because in my mind, it is what kickstarted the immigration debate in our country. Obviously, people have been arguing about immigration since the formation of the country, but Donald Trump’s candidacy seemed to create a renewed interest in the topic and brought it to the top of everybody’s minds during the election. As the first speech of his campaign, it contains one of his most famous and controversial lines about immigration, and demonstrates his preliminary thinking about ideas like “America First.” I’d like to further explore his claims about Mexicans bringing crime, drugs, and rape to America. To what extent (if any) are these claims substantiated by actual statistics? Has any of this decreased since Trump took office and began implementing stronger immigration policies?

Overall, I think that this speech provides opportunities for comparison with my speech artifact in a number of ways. Most obviously, the medium in which they are presented differs greatly, and the argument they make is opposed to one another. However, they also use different rhetorical strategies. Where the mural for my speech artifact places a heavy emphasis on pathos, Trump employs several rhetorical strategies in his speech to convey his argument. He employs an extrinsic proof by referring to the expertise of the border patrol, while also using intrinsic proofs. For instance, he uses an enthymeme when he claims Mexico is not sending its best people because some are rapists or drug smugglers. Trump also employs a variety of tropes such as litote (“They’re sending us not the right people”) and metaphor (“The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems”).

While I am still considering whether or not to expand the section of the speech studied, I think that starting from this small excerpt will provide a good jumping-off point for my rhetorical analysis essay.


  1. I like that here, you are taking a neutral stance on what Donald Trump is saying, especially in one of the most controversial things that he has said since he began running for Presidency. I just have one question: what is the artifact that you would be using for your speech? It would’ve been nice if it was linked in your post.


  2. Listening to President Trumps speeches are always a good way to pass the time. They remind me of a dark humor club where people make jokes about terrible things that shouldn’t be funny, but the only reaction one has is to laugh. I see Trumps speeches in the same manner. I assume he tries to make them serious, but most of the things he says are usually rather ridiculous. I realize that when he says things like “there were good people on both sides” and “send them back”, he is being serious, but i just can’t help myself but to laugh at how insane it is that the sitting president of the United States does and says some of the things that he does.


  3. Listening to President Trump’s speeches are always a good way to pass the time. They remind me of a dark humor comedy club where people makes jokes about serious things or terrible things that shouldn’t be funny, but the only reaction one is able to have is to laugh. I see them as the same thing. His speeches often contain some ridiculous notion that is actually pretty terrible but just so insane that the sitting president of the united states is saying them that they become humorous.


  4. I find it really interesting that the aim of his speech evolved into something much more tangible, as you mentioned. I agree that your chosen artifact offers ample opportunity for analysis, especially because Trump used fear mongering to gain irrational support. The wide variety in the statements he makes allows a lot of room for interpretation which I am interested to hear in your speech.


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