What We Do

We are part of two collaborative projects on alternative grading and on the Success through self-regulated learning which is funded with NSF Level 2: IUSE Award #2337176.

In addition our research group study innovative learning tools in online education particularly related to science laboratories. This is primarily in the context of asynchronous introductory physics (calculus-based) with labs. These courses are taught at the Penn State World campus with a student population that include many non-traditional learners. Some of our driving questions include

  • What course components help online learners the most?
  • How effective are online labs at home?
  • What are the best way to engage students?

We also study ways to improve students’ self-regulatory learning,  critical thinking and communication skills.

Recently, we have been looking at alternative grading systems. The standard point-based traditional grading system is known to demotivate students and can be argued to have equity issues.


Studio style with students working on labs with the iOLAB device
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