Civic Issues Ideas

Ever since I have gotten to college, the issues of the world have become a lot more prevalent to me. As a result, there are many ideas I would like to pursue in this blog. The first idea would be politics particularly towards Trump especially since he has made some questionable decisions already and staying active and educating people about politics is my small way of making that positive change happens. The other idea I have is to deal with ecological issues as the world is being harmed more every day and people have to be aware so that we do not damage our world any more than we already are. I am a person who spends a lot of time in nature so this is a personal issue for me.

One thought on “Civic Issues Ideas”

  1. I think that being informed and educated about politics is definitely a subject that is important for college students, so I think that this idea would be a good one. I think that it may be harder to write about since a lot of issue here may be controversial, so you would just have to be prepared and open to differing opinions from some readers.
    For the second idea, I personally would enjoy reading about this one more because I don’t get to hear a lot about it as much as I do of politics. I think this would be interesting to know what I can do to help to prevent these problems from occurring and help to make a positive change in the environment. Also because you have a personal tie to it, I think this would make the post even better.
    Can’t wait to see what you choose!

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