Extra Credit: Democracy Works Podcast Reflection 2

For the second blog, I have decided to listen to the “Russia and Ukraine: How We Got Here” podcast. Before listening to the podcast, the summary of the podcast caught my attention: Was the war in Ukraine inevitable? With thousands of dead and millions of refugees, we are reminded daily of the horrors and war crimes occurring in Ukraine. While the war is occurring between two countries, for most individuals…

Extra Credit: Democracy Works Podcast Reflection 1

For the first blog, I have decided to listen to the podcast “What student debt says about democratic institutions”. As a college student myself, I felt that this topic is extremely important, as it impacts the majority of Americans. The podcast was opened with the fact that currently, the student debt is more than $1.7 trillion dollars and every year it grows six times faster. As a result, every year…

Last passion blog… (part II)

I have been trying to think about which country I want to write my very last passion blog about, and I came up empty handed. I mean of course there are many cool countries with amazing food that I haven’t blogged about yet, but I just felt like doing a regular food blog is not special enough for my last blog post. For my last passion blog post for RCL…


Hi again, food lovers! Thanks for joining me for another one of my food blogs. Today we are traveling to a country that is known for its luxurious watches, beautiful scenery, and amazing chocolate😋 (Switzerland actually invented milk chocolate!) As I was doing a bit of research about Switzerland, I found out something interesting: Switzerland and Vatican City (which is actually a country) are the only two countries to have…

Issue Brief: Draft

#MoreThan4: Why Childhood Cancer is Underfunded and what can be done to improve the lives of pediatric cancer patients I.     Introduction Cancer. The dreadful, monstrous ‘C’ word. The ‘club’ nobody wants to be a part of, and the word no one ever wants to hear, let alone used in conjunction with their child’s name. “Your child has cancer” are four agonizing words that will instantly change the life of not…


Hello again, food lovers!  Thank you for joining me for another one of my food blogs. Today we are traveling to Mauritius, an island nation in the Indian Ocean, east to Madagascar. It is a volcanic island that first rose above the ocean water about eight million years ago (woah!). It’s famous for its gorgeous, breathtaking beaches with clear turquoise water and vast wildlife variety, especially underwater. Let’s dive into…

Issue Brief: Introductory Draft

#MoreThan4: Childhood Cancer Awareness Cancer. The dreadful, monstrous ‘C’ word. The ‘club’ nobody wants to be a part of, and the word no one ever wants to hear, let alone used in conjunction with their child’s name. “Your child has cancer” are four agonizing words that will instantly change the life of not only the child, but the entire family. When people think about childhood cancer, what usually pops to…


Welcome back, food lovers! Thank you for joining me for another one of my food blogs. Today, we are traveling to Peru, which is also known as The Land of Potatoes (apparently Peru has incredible potato biodiversity). Peru is a beautiful country, known for its amazing views and delicious food. You have probably heard of Machu Picchu (15th-century Inca fortress), which is located in south Peru. Although I won’t be…

Why don’t they teach us about money in school?

Throughout my high school career, I started to realize how much crucial information was being left out of the curriculum. I am not arguing that core classes such as math, science, English, history, and foreign languages are not important, because everybody does need to have a solid understanding of all of those in order to succeed in whatever career path they chose to go into. But let’s be real- how…


Welcome back, food lovers! Thank you for joining me for another one of my food blogs. Today, we are traveling to Australia, the world’s 6th largest country, which means it is very diverse in landscapes, climates, and biodiversity. Also, a fun but unrelated fact that I found while doing a bit of research on Australia: From 1838 until 1902, it was prohibited in Australia to swim in the ocean during…