COVID-19: Education, Jobs, and Employment

On March 11, 2020, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) characterized COVID-19 as a pandemic due to its spread and severity. With this single announcement, the way we had lived, worked, and interacted has changed in a blink of an eye. Face masks have become one of the most used items, grim graphs of cases and deaths have crowded our news channels, jobs and school classes have been…


Welcome back, food lovers! Thank you for joining me for another one of my food blogs 🙂 Assuming that you’ve already seen the title of this post, I’m pretty sure you all are thinking the same thing: SUSHI (yes, I know, I’m a blogger AND a mind reader 😉 ). Although sushi is undoubtedly one of the most famous foods to originate from Japan, it is only one of the…

Access to Education & How Success is Measured

Education access and poverty reduction are undoubtedly connected. Especially to children and young adults, having access to education can be life-changing. In our developed community, the greater education one receives, the more opportunities it substantially generates and provides. In our relatively well-educated society, we are inclined to take basic education for granted as almost every kid goes to school and finishes high school, thereby possessing basic academic skills. In developing…