Advocacy Project Workplan

Topic/Outreach Plan

Topic: Advocate for not cutting/increasing funding for Planned Parenthood.

  • In addition to the fact that we support planned parenthood, the question of using government funds for it is currently a very kairotic issue.

Outreach Plan:

  • We are planning on making a Youtube Video advocating for Planned Parenthood and explaining why it is so important for women across the country.
  • We hope that we can get in touch with either Penn State’s Planned Parenthood support group called “Generation Action” to help spread the video around.
  • We plan to post on various subreddits to spread the video around, both in subreddits that would support Planned Parenthood and be against it (as well as politically neutral ones).


Tasks(The dates are “end dates”, meaning we will start each category after we finish the previous one)

  • Research (4/12) (All)
    • Research Trump’s reasoning for defunding Planned Parenthood so we can develop a counter-argument.
    • Research the benefits of planned parenthood and the reasoning for why we should continue to fund it.
    • Research examples of PP helping someone’s life.
    • Contact people who are willing to be filmed to talk about their experiences/opinions of PP.
  • Filming (4/16) (All)
    • Gather footage of people talking about Planned Parenthood (personal experiences, or why they support it)
    • Find clips online talking about Planned Parenthood
    • Record narration where needed
  • Editing (4/19) (Lawrence)
    • Magic
  • Outreach (4/24) (All)
    • Post in lots of Facebook pages (both for and against)
    • Make a reddit post
  • Write-Up (4/24)(Pranav and Charlie)


What is Most Likely To Go Wrong

  • Not being able to find people to film
    • Contingency: Use interviews found on the News or online that we can cite.
  • Not being able to get our video out to our audience
    • Contingency: Start our outreach early and make sure to have as much evidence of our outreach attempts as possible so our teacher knows that we made the effort.


2 thoughts on “Advocacy Project Workplan”

  1. He was chugging brown pop from a can Jack had handed him while he stuffed nacho cheese Doritos in his face. I was glad to see he looked lots better, almost completely like himself, which proves Doritos and brown pop really are health food.

  2. I don’t want food from Mcdonald’s menu , young man. I want is peace. I want to see love reign even after death. Look, I’ll tell you something: I’m seventy years old and in none of them have I had the pleasure of seeing people respecting, loving each other, anyway. It’s just disgrace. And don’t come and tell me that society is changing because it isn’t. If you move, it’s for the worse, my friend. I’m amazed when someone of good faith starts wanting to spread kindness, to spread joy always wanting to change the world. As much as someone like that does his part for a better world, he won’t change. Yeah buddy, hell is here and the world ended a long time ago.

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