Framing The Green New Deal

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ed Markey’s “Green New Deal” bill is a topic that has swept current events this week. When researching this agenda, I found that it was covered by both Fox News and CNN. After reading both news outlets articles, I found that the news organizations framed the agenda in a very different light to appeal to their viewers moral values. The Fox News article “Ocasio-Cortez, Markey to unveil Green New Deal Legislation” by Adam Shaw described the Green New Deal bill as “a push to implement a massive package of big-government programs aimed at radically transforming the American economy.” They frame the bill as a leftist rallying cry that would lead to a rise in socialism. This rhetoric plays on their conservative viewers fears of government expansion. They paint the bill in a negative light by stating that it was created to eliminate nonrenewable resources and will leave many industry workers jobless. This creates an unfavorable perspective for their right leaning audience base that support small businesses and natural resource exploitation. Fox News concludes that this bill was created to offer a laundry list of left wing promises such as universal Health Care and job-guarantee programs.Image result for alexandria ocasio cortez and Markey

Link to Fox News Article 

CNN also published an article on the Green New Deal bill titled “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ed Markey to unveil ‘Green New Deal’ Bill” by Sunlen Serfaty. This article describes the bill as a way to counter act climate change. CNN stated that the bill will address issues such as job creation, emission reductions, greening infrastructure and a variety of principles that would come with a robust climate change package. They frame the bill in a way that appeals to their liberal audiences’ values of addressing humanitarian concerns with our environment. They paint it in a positive light by stating that the Green New Deal bill possesses great potential as many new 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidates are embracing the bills ideals. CNN also plays on their viewers fears by advertising the oil and gas lobbyists as a force standing in the way of a better environment for all. CNN concludes that the bill is a step in the right direction for the future of our country as well as earth.

Link to CNN Article 

I chose to work with these two articles because they are a perfect example of how different media outlets frame stories and agenda to appeal to the moral values of their audience. Although both articles were covering the same story, their interpretations and framing of the bill was very different.

Image result for CNN versus Fox

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