
My partner and I thought it would be interesting to advocate for fair labor conditions for immigrant workers. Andrew stepped up to the plate and suggested taking the brief while I will be taking the advocacy component.

My plan is to interview 3 friends and 3 PSU dining hall workers. I have not come up with the questions yet but it would be a short 5 question survey regarding the origins of the food they eat and whether they know the labor conditions for the workers that harvest our food. I plan to do this in the form of a podcast using garage band or to do a video and have the interview questions come on the screen followed by the video/audio clip of the answer. The video will consist of me talking for about 3 minutes then 4-6 minutes for the interview and then 2 minutes for a closing. I plan to have pictures and maybe even some video clips.

It should be pretty cool. I am actually excited about this project and it seems like it will be a ton of fun.