Mountain Climbing In Arizona

I’ve been considering getting into mountain climbing because of an experience I had over winter break.

I traveled with the Blue Band to Scottsdale, Arizona to play in the Fiesta Bowl on December 27th, 2017. The game itself was a great time, but I also had fun exploring Phoenix and the surrounding area. This winter was the first time I had been out west, so I was ecstatic to explore that new world as much as I could.

Unfortunately, I only had one free morning during the trip to wander the city of Phoenix. After some searching and recommendations, I found the perfect activity for the morning: a hike up the 2,700 ft Camelback Mountain – a small refuge of nature in the heart of a desert metropolis.

The hike up Camelback was somewhat challenging in the 80 degree Arizona winter. There was a path for most of the way, but some parts became steep and required a bit of climbing to reach the top.

This is a picture I took of what I thought was the most challenging part of the hike, about a mile into the climb:

This part of the hike was so steep, a handrail had to be fixed into the path so that hikers could climb up. It is almost impossible to go up the other side. Because the rock is so smooth, a climber might slip and fall the entire way back to the bottom. (I almost made this mistake a couple of times.)

As I had mentioned before, the hike was quite the workout. In addition, the dryness of the desert air seemed to instantly pull sweat off of me, dehydrating me very quickly. Despite the hardships and nearly two miles of hiking, the view at the top was definitely worth it. Here are some great pictures I took that showcase the beauty of both the activity of rock climbing and the desert wilderness:


The pictures can’t even capture the whole beauty of the hike. It was such an intriguing experience to be on top of a mountain in the middle of a city. The city of Phoenix can be seen in every direction, stretching as far as the eye can see; and right in the middle of it, a desert paradise 3,000 ft in the sky.

If you’re ever in Arizona, or the western states in general, I highly recommend looking into a hike up Camelback or another local mountain. It was an enriching experience for me, and I think it is one that could build anyone’s appreciation for the natural world. I can’t wait to go on more hiking and rock climbing adventures!