Best Spot for Wildlife in PA

Everyone in Pennsylvania has at least seen some level of wildlife. Squirrels, rabbits, and deer, among others, snuggle up to human civilization and we seem to get along quite well. There is wildlife in PA, however, that is quite solitary and unbeknownst to many people: the Rocky Mountain Elk.

Now, if this sounds kind of peculiar at first, you may not know the whole story. Back in the 19th Century, the eastern elk was common in the state of Pennsylvania, and the entire Eastern United States from New England to the Midwest.


(Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia)

As European settlers arrived, the elk population dwindled, with the last in Pennsylvania disappearing in 1867. Then, between 1913 and 1926, almost 200 rocky mountain elk were trapped and relocated to previous herd ranges: not surprisingly, Elk County.

In 100 years, the population has flourished, growing from just under 200 to over 1,000 according to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, and now spans over four counties in Northwestern PA. You can learn more about the history of elk in Pennsylvania by clicking here.

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(Photo Courtesy of PA Game Commission)

Now these elk are enjoying the lifestyle of their late eastern ancestors; who needs the Rockies, anyway?

Being from Elk County myself, I have interacted frequently with the elk herds, and I can say from experience that they are absolutely stunning. A great thing about them is that, since they have no natural predators here in Pennsylvania, they are very lax when it comes to people. You can get great shots of them up close; just don’t get too close or the animal will become uncomfortable and possibly hostile.

If you ever get a chance, I would highly recommend taking a visit to Elk or Cameron County to see these beautiful creatures. A good starting point would be the Elk County Visitor Center, which can give you a complete history of PA wildlife and conservation, along with great up close views of the elk. Then, venture out to Cameron county, where there has to be more elk than people. (This isn’t true, but once you’re there, it sure seems like it.)

Also, for any hunters, there is a chance every year to apply for an elk license. These are extremely hard to attain, however, because nearly 30,000 hunters apply and only 108 tags are given in a lottery. I’ve never been elk hunting myself, but I imagine it is quite a thrill. Since hunting is severely restricted, some of the older bulls can achieve an impressive rack of antlers.

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(Photo by Jake Dingel for the PA Game Commission)

You can even see them on a Live Stream provided by the PA Game Commission!


World’s Hardest Race – Join Me on This Ultra Run!

Have you ever had the urge to run 273 kilometers (170 miles) nonstop? Or have you ever wanted to visit the Grand Canyon? Well, you’re in luck, because I’ve found a race that lets you do both at one time!

This race is called the Grand to Grand Ultra. It is a 6 stage race that spans 7 days, 273 kilometers, and two states, Utah and Arizona.

If you’re interested, it starts on September 24th this year and will last until September 30th. That’s not too bad, right? Here is the website if you would like to check it out:

This race boasts being one of the most difficult and remote races in the world; starting at the grand canyon, participants trek through the mountainous deserts and forests of the west, encountering deer, condors, and other desert dwellers on a daily basis. According to the website, the view along the way is incredible. I checked it out, and they are absolutely right. Here are a couple photos taken by the Grand to Grand Ultra Team:

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Image result for grand to grand ultraImage result for grand to grand ultra

Interested yet? If so registration for this year is closed, but applications are already being accepted for next year! The race is very selective; a certain quota of participants from each country is required each year. In fact, only 50 American runners are admitted each year. So if you do want to apply, it might help to be a qualified ultra runner.

I think that this would be one of the best adventure experiences ever. Though it is an ultra run, it would definitely pay off. Think about all the views, the wildlife, the snapshots. In addition think about the look on everyone’s face when you mention that you ran 170 miles in one week. These sort of moments in life are priceless. I can only imagine the serenity and solitude experienced by an ultra runner. Although one must question whether it is even enjoyable juxtaposed to constant heavy breathing and dehydration.

I myself have actually experienced a race of this type, but to a degree not nearly as intense. On August 5th, 2017 I participated in the Elk County Boulder Dash, held in the forest area around Ridgway, PA. This race is only 20 miles, so it is much more doable. It is also only one day (under three hours for a serious runner). Here is the link for that in case you want to check it out.

This was actually a really fun experience; I still came across wildlife, and I was able to explore more thoroughly the woods around my hometown through countless hours of summer training and finally the race itself. Here are some images from that race, courtesy of the Boulder Dash staff, that gives a sense of how the race got its name:

Devils DenUmbrella RockMiles Rocks

Even running a race of this size will turn heads in a conversation. The satisfaction I receive from knowing that I completed an event like this is what has inspired my passion blog in the first place. My summer training has brought me closer to the outdoor world than I have been in a long time, and it made me realize that I never want to let it go.

By the way, here is an elevation comparison of the two races: the top image is the Grand to Grand, the bottom is the Boulder Dash.

Change your mind yet?



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