RCL #3

My topic for the Persuasive Essay is that “Social Issue awareness should be promoted more through use of the media, specifically through social media networks.”  This is a Question of Policy – Passive Agreement because it is advocating for this policy.

For as long as societies have existed,  social issues have always been present. There are many social issue in the United States, as well as around the world in other countries. In the past, the ways to promote awareness were limited. This was due to lack of the technological advances that we have now in this era. Since technology is changing, so should the ways that promotion takes place. in addition, with more and more individuals having contact with at least one social media platform (Facebook, instagram, twitter, blogs, etc.) it is important to start promoting on those platforms and more in order to reach a larger audience and therefore make a bigger impact. If we want these issues to be resolved, or become better known in order to become resolved it is important to do it in ways that have a large target audience.   I am particularly intrigued by and motivated to research and discuss this idea of mine because I believe that it is important to fix whatever issues may be going on in order to have a more functional, safer, and more informed society. Additionally, by promoting awareness on social media platforms, younger individuals will be more informed of the issues in society and become more educated individuals.  Some of the main conceptions/misconceptions that many people hold about the subject are that this is already done in abundance, younger individuals cannot do anything to fix whatever problems are going on, among others.

For the moment I do not have many questions formed yet in regards to this project idea, however the three that I do have are as follows:

  1. What social media platforms would be most beneficial for doing this through?
  2. What is the demographic of each different social media platform? (Facebook, twitter, etc.)
  3. And, would certain issues be a better candidate for this sort of promotion than others? If so, which ones?

One thought on “RCL #3

  1. This is definitely something worth talking about. For the first time in history we have an viable source to communicate with everyone in the world, and we can use this power for the good of awareness and education. Great topic.

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