Monica Burke


           Notes From Underground Zines & The Politics of Alternative Culture by Stephen Duncombe was a very fascinating four chapters to read.  I never knew exactly what zines where I thought they were just a type of comet book or something that nerdy boys read and wrote. I never would of that they were so much more and super inspiring. Zines in my option are defiantly an example of don’t judge a book by its cover.

In chapter one, Duncombe gives different definitions of what zines are. He first starts out by saying “…zines are independent and localized, coming out of cities, suburbs and small towns across the US, assembled on kitchen tables” (Duncombe, 5).  Zines are DIY (do-it-yourself), where you say and make what you want with your own hands. You basically start your own culture and do not worry about the one everyone else is living in. Instead of being worried about the laws and rules that our culture is giving to everyone, Zine is something that does not focus on the profit and loss. They are calculated by your creativity and authenticity (Duncombe, 5).  Zines are a place where you can be yourself, say what you want, and act how you want to act. They are also a place where you will find information on everything because there are no rules with them. People write about everything. The second definition that Duncombe gave to zine is “…zines are noncommercial, nonprofessional, small-circulation magazines which their creators produce, publish, and distribute by themselves” (9).  Zines are written, made and publish all by the same people, it is a little community.  One thing that Duncombe states is “Zine publishers are identified less by who they are, then, and more by what they believe” (11). I am not quite sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Sometimes if you just read about what someone believes you do not really like that person because they do not agree with your beliefs but at the same time zine writers are writing for people to like them. They are writing so they are get what they want out into the world. The last definition that is given to Zines is “…zines are decidedly amateur” (Duncombe, 17). In Latin though, amateur means love. I think Duncombe is saying that Zines are made with love and the people who make them are in love with what they are doing. He is not saying that Zines are nonprofessional which is what most people would think when they hear the word amateur.  Many people have made a career out of writing and making Zines.

After getting the definitions of what zine are, chapter two talked about who writes zines. Zines are a place where misfits and loser fit in. Duncombe says, “That zines are a haven for misfits is not too surprising. For people who like to write and want to communicate, but find it difficult to do so face to face…” (Duncombe, 20). Zines are a safe place for people who do not fit in with the rest of society and do not have place to express themselves.  In the zine world being a loser is the cool thing! If you are a loser you should not keep that to yourself, it is something that you should be proud of. Duncombe even writes, “It is something to yell from the rooftops and explain to the world” (22).  These people are not losers because they do not know how to talk to people or that they are too shy but they are losers because they are not accepted by wealthy and powerful people in our society (Duncombe, 23).  Zine is a cool thing because it is a place where all these “losers” can come together and shard cool and interesting things with each other. They are sharing things with people who they know care about their voice. “Zines make them visible” (Duncombe, 23).  Zines help people find their voice and let them say what they want, even if the top is politics. Many people now think that politics is something to leave to the professional (Duncombe, 34).  Zine writers like the personalize politics. They will throw in things about politics with a bunch other intimate issues (Duncombe, 31). Zine writers think that by personalizing they are taking control. “It’s a way for zinesters to assert that they have the right to think and write about the stuff they are passionate about- whether it be cough syrup or class politics” (Duncombe, 34).  Zine writers personalize politics just so they can somehow feel connected to the political world. The issue is that this personalization can also make the gap between the “losers” and politics even bigger because some people just do not want to hear about politics from a nobody.

After reading chapter two you start to get the sense that zine is like a little community. That is exactly what Duncombe takes about in chapter 3. He starts off by talking about how zines are a community and why zines were really created. He says, “…zines are as much about the communities that arise out of their circulation as they are artifacts of personal expression. People create zines to scream ‘I exist’” (49).  So, no matter how important it is to be able to express yourself it just as important to support each other with their zines. “Every zine is a community institution in itself, as each draws links between itself and others” (Duncombe, 53). Zines are a community because of the many different scenes, as Duncombe would say, where you can find them. There was always a cool book store, coffee shop, radio station or concert that people when to and found zines to read. They were a thing that people just shared with each other to be informed about cool and interesting things. “…a zine network proposes something different: a community of people linked via bonds of difference, each sharing their originality” (Duncombe,58). That is all being changed now because there are no more local book stores or coffee shops to go and hang out at. No one really goes to local band concerts to hear and meet new people. Everything now a day are done online.

Since, there are no more cool places to hang out at, most people will just focus on their work. Most people who wrote zines still have day to day jobs. Sometimes they will even write about their work in their zines. Duncombe says, “Work, after all, is a primary activity of most people’s lives. And unlike sleeping, drinking, eating and leisure activities, it is an activity during which we have little or no control” (81). This is so true you cannot say anything you want at work. A lot of time you must act like a completely different person than who you really are when you are at work. The zine writers who wrote about work in zines they are talking about how it is a “relationship which pits the boss against the worker against the consumer” (Duncombe, 84). When you go to work you want to make money. You are not there to exchange ideas with people or make friends. Everyone just wants money no one really likes or loves their job. People who write zines do it because they love it. They take so much time and effort to make these zines. “Hand-done drawings often illustrate the pages of zines” (Duncombe,106). Each zine is put together at a kitchen table and you can tell that someone did this by hand but that is what makes it so special. If the pictures in the zine are not done by the author they are being borrowed from another artist that inspired the author and they wanted to share it (Duncombe 106). To the people who write zines it is not work, it is their love. They love being able to express themselves and share their thought, ideas and creativity with the world.

I loved reading Duncombe’s book!  I thought I was cool how all the people that felt like they did not fit in found a place to be able to express themselves. They felt like their voices were being heard. I agree with everything he said. I love when he talked about how money is basically what everyone is looking for. That zines are different though they are made because they people who make them truly love doing it. They are not doing it because they must or they want to make money. I really enjoyed reading the book and would love to be able to read a zine one day in my life.


“Googlization of Everything”

Googlization of Everything (And Why We Should Worry) is not like other Google book were all they talk about is the history of Google and how the company stared. How great Google is and why we are lucky to have it in our life. This book by Siva Vaidhyanathan discusses way more than that! He talks about how we rely on google for almost everything, how we take technology for granted, and how Google does not make us dumber or smarter.

What Vaidhyanathan really means when he said Googlization is “Google has permeated our culture.” (2).  Google is the one thing that everyone uses. We use it for shopping, driving, homework, etc. Vaidhyanathan addresses the topic of “Is Google evil?”. Google is not evil, it is neutral. There is so much hate for Google because people rely on it so much. If you do not know the answer to something Google it you will find it. We are so dependent on Google that some times people can not even think for themselves. Google in a way almost think for us almost. When you type in the first three letters of a word you already have eight different options to choose from. Google is not helping or hurting us in a horrible way. We just take Google for granted.

Later on, Vaidhyanathan talks how we are kind of lucky that Google governs us. Google has made using the Web so easy and comfortable, no one really cares how Google got all this power they are just happy that they did. Google is just one big advertising company (16). We, the people that use Google, are not the customers we are the product (3). When we use Google, we are seeing advertisements that they set up for each person. Google also makes it harder for people to search inappropriate things on the web because of the way they have their websites pop up. That is why we are so lucky to have Google govern the web.

We take technology for granted because of Google. Google is so fast to understand what we are saying that when we use other technology we are expected the same results and we do not get that.  When we are in an area and there is not high-speed data available we get mad really fast. We do not remember that a couple of years of a go a thing like this were only thoughts in someone’s head. We are so lucky to be able to have this much advanced technology right at out finger tips.

The way Google works is the more you use it the more information it will remember about you. So, before you even start typing things into Google it will already have a good idea of what you are thinking of. I think that is what Vaidhyanathan means when he said “Google does not make us dumber or smarter”. He means we just rely on it too much and use it to much for simple things that we could do on our own.

Siva Vaidhyanathan did a great job of writing a book where you think of Google in a different way than just an awesome creation that someone made.

Video Games Blog #2


I have never thought that there were video games that people made that actually have a very important meaning behind them like the one Ryan Green made.  His video game is about a real situation that his family had to go through. The game Green created is called That Dragon, Cancer, it is about a man and his wife who have a child dying of cancer. Green said “has encoded the experience, his actual experience, of being a father to a son doctors tell you will not and cannot live. It is an act of incredible bravery to collect it at this level of emotional ‘resolution’,…”(Tanz). I think this game really helped Ryan Green cope with the fact that he has a dying son. The game is to help or show people what others are going through and how not all video games are senseless things that are just brainwashing people. That Dragon, Cancer is a way to keep Ryan Green’s son’s memory alive and a very different way to make people aware of what it is like to have a child dying of cancer. This is not the only video game though that has a positive effect one people. Minecraft is a great game for the younger generation.

Minecraft is a game where children can build whatever they want. They do not have to follow a certain story that most videos games have. They are also not destroying or killing one. The game is all about the child’s imagination. One nine year old child even said, “On Minecraft, you can do whatever you want,”… (Junco). There are no rules on this game that the child has to follow and I think it is not a senseless game like Call of Duty, Fortnite or even Mario Cart. Junco also said, “Minecraft also helps youth learn how to collaborate to solve problems, and collaborative learning improves critical thinking skills that support motivation for learning.” (Junco). If I had a child that is a video game that I would want them to play because at least they are not killing anyone and they are using their imagination.

When video games first started out they were meant to be harmless and entertaining. Newman in his article about videogames he said, “The first several years of home video game history are dominated by “ball-and-paddle” games, which expanded the basic racquet-sport concept to include versions of hockey, soccer, and handball and to add more sound and color.” (Newman,24). I know the first video game I ever played was a NHL Hockey game with my older brother. All those sports games like NHL, NBA, MLB, etc. were all very poplar when I was in grade school all my friends even the girls played them. Playing those game was a way that many children who could not play those sports in real life could play and understand the sport. They were harmless games that parents did not have to worry about monitoring their child while playing, afraid that there were going to be curse words or inappropriate behavior. I was never a big video game player but my older brothers were and I felt like they were always playing. My brother liked playing the sport video games because even though they played those sports the time games were not on tv or in the winter when they did not play their sport they could still “play” the game through their PlayStation. Newman said, “Sports was both literally the content of early games, but also a figure for understanding what the experience of games would be: rather than merely watching passively, the audience for TV would be transformed by games into athletes in active competition.” (Newman, 31). I think this is how many children felt about sport video games even though they could play the sport in real life they could play it on their TV. As we see in today’s world video games can have negative and positive effects on people. All those video games with the violence are not good for young children or are going through some of the hardest times in their life socially. They do not need to be shown all that violence and think that it is okay. Adults need to monitor what their children play and make sure the games they play have some positive benefit for them.

TV Advertising Blog #1

I knew that television was expensive but I did not know that back in the day the group of people labeled as “the mink coat and luxury car class” (The Precocious Prodigy,8) were the only ones who had TVs.  Most of the commercials were dedicated to this group of people. It did not matter if they advertised expensive items because the wealthy people could afford that. The big problem with commercials on TV is that they are very long. This is still a problem to this day that people complain about. No one likes to be interrupted from a sports game, movie or tv show to watch commercials. Kelvinator kitchen appliances ran commercials for a full fifteen minutes (The Precocious Prodigy,13). That is crazy! That is almost like watching a whole tv show.     While reading this assignment I never really thought as commercials being like “one-minute movie shorts” (The Precocious Prodigy, 9). They really are though. TV commercials are not even working and they are the most expensive form of advertisement (The Precocious Prodigy, 13). Why should companies pay all this money when they could do advertisement in a different way like over the radio which is a lot cheaper.  I thought commercials as just ads that companies pay for time on the air to get their product out there but it is much more than that.  What you see on TV really shapes a person’s views on the world but also themselves.

          The ad that really impacted my life was an ad done by Dove in 2014. 2014 was my first year in high school and I did not think very well of myself. I was always comparing myself to the older girls at my school, I did not have much self-confidence. After seeing this ad though it changed me for the better. The ad by Dove was called “Dove Real Beauty Sketches | You’re more beautiful than you think”. I did not see the ad on TV but I saw it on Facebook a place in high school where I spent a lot of my time. The ad was all about how you saw yourself and how someone else saw you. An artist came in and you described yourself to the artist and he drew you and then someone that you just met described you to the artist and he drew that version. I am sure as everyone can guess the two drawling were very different. When you are describing yourself, you pick out every negative thing that you can see on your body and face. You worry about every little imperfection but not everyone sees those imperfection. Many people will see you in a completely different way than you see yourself. This add just really helped me understand that just because you have one little pimple or do not have the perfect eyebrows does not mean you are not beautiful in someone else’s eyes. I will always remember this ad and how much it changed my life for the better.

This is the AD!
