To finish off my blog on weird and uncommon sports around the world, I’m gonna review a not-so uncommon sport that hits close to home (well at least for me, I don’t know the weird places you people lived before Penn State). This sport, the holy grail of summer camp games, is one of my Read More…
Do you love hockey? Do you also love to swim? Then why not both. Octopush is the sport no one knew they wanted, the sport of underwater hockey. Out of all the underwater sports out there in the unknown, this sport, Octopush (by the way great name), is by far the best in my opinion. Read More…
Hardcore Parkour!
PARKOUR! This week, as you’ve already guessed, I will be talking about the pure awesomeness that is parkour. Yeah, you might say to yourself “that’s actually not a sport” or “you’re not even doing a sports review blog anymore” but all I have to say to that is that anything can be a sport nowadays Read More…
Carry Your Wives
There’s an extreme competition out there that brings you closer to your wife than you probably want. Wife Carrying, a sport which originates from Finland, is a sport in which male competitors race through an extreme obstacle course carrying their wives (not always their wives just a female participant who for some reason agrees to Read More…
Worming That Charm
I just came across this today, and my god have I struck gold. This “event” (There’s simply no way I can actually call this a sport) is a annual Championship event held in Wilaston, Cheshire, which is in England for those who don’t know. The English can be weird, like really weird, but they’ve truly Read More…
The Force Awakens (in France)
Greatness is coming to this world… and it’s coming from the French. The French Fencing Federation officially recognized lightsaber dueling as a competitive sport just a couple of days ago–and the future for it cannot look brighter. They’ve adapted it as a substitute to the swords used in regular fencing, and has been given the Read More…
Car Curling
For this weeks sport, I’ve decided to review a “pretty” well known Winter Olympic sport – but with a twist. I’m sure many of you have heard of curling, or even just casually watched it as it came on during the Winter Olympics. I’d even declare that it’s pretty famous by this point being an Read More…
I Honestly Don’t Get This One
So I came across something while I was researching what to do my next blog post on. It may just be the worst combination of sports I’ve ever seen, or by far the best, I really can’t tell. It is called chessboxing, and if you don’t live under a rock, you can probably guess what Read More…
The Ultimate Combination of Bossaball
There’s a new and upcoming sport out there, one that combines a multitude of sports crossed with the child-like fun of trampolines and bouncy houses as well as the complex movements of capoeira (which is an afro-Brazilian martial art that combines dance, acrobatics, music, and fighting) enlightened by music. This sport, in all its cluster-fuck Read More…
Who Let the Cheese Out!
This semester, I am broadening my horizons to the unique world of sports, because naturally, Penn State’s list of weird sports is limited. Without further adieu, I present you all with no better way to start this new segue of reviews, with a cheesy review of the infamous sport of Cheese Rolling. If you’ve never Read More…