
Massasaugas and Mussels: Exploring Pennsylvania’s Endangered Species

This week, we’ll be examining endangered species in Pennsylvania. While the term “endangered” often evokes imagery of flashier, more publicized animals like the giant panda or Siberian tigers, there are many animals in equal danger of extinction within our own state. Currently, the Pennsylvania Game Commission lists 23 species as endangered and 6 species as… Read more Massasaugas and Mussels: Exploring Pennsylvania’s Endangered Species

Putting a Stop to Invasive Species

This week, I’m highlighting another problem that threatens environmental health in the United States: invasive species. In general, the term applies to any organisms that are not native to a given ecosystem and whose introduction can cause harm. This encompasses plants and animals, as well as microbial species. The issue is often that these species… Read more Putting a Stop to Invasive Species

The Sustainable Seafood Situation

Seafood is often labeled as a fundamental part of a healthy diet; for instance, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that individuals eat at least eight ounces per week. However, what is best for human health doesn’t always translate into what is best for the rest of Earth’s inhabitants.  Irresponsible fishing practices have resulted in… Read more The Sustainable Seafood Situation