About Me

My name is Maddie Baughan and I’m a current student in the Rhetoric and Civic Life course at Penn State. I’m originally from West Chester, Pennsylvania, in a small town outside of Philadelphia. While Penn State is a far cry from my humble and sheltered hometown, the university has been involved in my life for longer than I can remember. Both my dad and my older sister are alumni, so I grew up watching and attending many Penn State football games and events.

My personality largely consists of two elements: sports and reading. Growing up, I played for an array of sports teams and programs, but I was most passionate about basketball and lacrosse. My two sisters and my brother are also athletes, so I naturally I adapted a competitive nature. Alternatively, my grandfather saw my passion for reading at an early age and mentored me in the world of literature. I would say I’m more inclined to classics as opposed to modern literature because of the fond memories I associate them with. Currently, my favorite book is East of Eden by John Steinbeck. My grandfather is my inspiration to study English, and we even have a matching tattoo together!