PAS7: Atonement

Ian McEwan’s novel “Atonement” uses themes of guilt, redemption, and the consequences of actions. Throughout the novel, McEwan employs various literary allusions that enrich the story’s meaning and provide deeper insights into the characters’ motivations and the broader context of the narrative. One of the most prominent allusions in “Atonement” is to Jane Austen’s works, […]

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PAS6: Paradise Lost

After completing my English class reading assignment, I was inspired to explore Paradise Lost further. John Milton, a towering figure of English literature, lived from 1608 to 1674. His works, including Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, explore profound theological and philosophical themes. Milton’s life was marked by political activism, blindness in his later years, and […]

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PAS5: A Deeper Look at Arcadia

In my second reading of Arcadia, I noticed some allusions I missed. In Tom Stoppard’s “Arcadia,” the allusion to Aesop’s fable of “The Tortoise and the Hare” serves as a metaphorical lens through which the themes of knowledge, time, and human folly are explored. The fable tells the story of a boastful hare who challenges […]

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PAS4: Arcadia

“Arcadia,” a play by Tom Stoppard, is a prime example of the meaningful connections between intellect, wit, and complex ideas when woven into the fabric of a single setting—in this case, Sidley Park, an English country estate. Within this setting, Stoppard incorporates a variety of literary, historical, scientific, and philosophical allusions, enriching the play’s meaning […]

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Civic #4: Wren.Eleanor

In today’s digital age, children are growing up exposed to technology, with social media platforms offering unprecedented opportunities for connection and communication. However, alongside the benefits come significant risks, as children are increasingly vulnerable to exploitation, harassment, and overexposure online. To address these concerns and ensure the safety and well-being of young users, policymakers must […]

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Post Deliberation Evaluation

Overall, our group demonstrated capability in addressing the problem by identifying key elements such as stakeholders, causes, and effects, and thinking up feasible solutions. The deliberation engaged the audience, and fostered deep reflection as well as more complex thinking. Our Penn State-specific problem had broad applicability, extending to other universities and institutions across the United […]

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PAS3: Family Furnishings

“Family Furnishings” by Alice Munro is a collection of short stories rich with literary allusions that contribute significantly to the depth and complexity of the narratives. Through references to other works of literature, mythology, history, and culture, Munro masterfully interlaces little threads of added meaning that enhances the reader’s understanding and appreciation of her stories […]

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Civic Blog #2: DaddyOFive

The DaddyOFive YouTube channel and its recent controversy sparked widespread outrage and scrutiny, serving as a stark reminder of the ethical boundaries and responsibilities inherent in family vlogging. Created by Mike and Heather Martin, the channel initially gained popularity for its “prank” videos featuring their five children. However, the content soon garnered attention for all […]

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PAS2: The History of Love

My most recent read, “The History of Love” by Nicole Krauss is a literary masterpiece interwoven with allusions to other literature, enriching its narrative and deepening its thematic takeaways. Krauss incorporates references to classic texts, poetry, and folklore, loading her novel with layers of meaning and inviting its readers to engage with its rich and […]

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