RCL2: Passion and Civic Blog Topics

This semester, my passion blog will be focused on the world of book allusions and the interconnectedness within literature. As an English major, this topic not only interests me but also stands to shape my understanding of literature, and will have a meaningful influence on my future academic pursuits. In previous English courses, I’ve discovered that exploring these allusions enhances the overall significance of diverse literary works. I am excited to immerse myself in both contemporary and classic reads, as I anticipate gaining a fresh perspective that could potentially reshape my interpretations of various literary works.

Turning to my civic blog, my focus will be on the injustices and exposure associated with family-oriented social media channels. While the digital age introduces a lot of advantages, it also ushers in new challenges, particularly in the realm of familial online presence. I find this relatively recent phenomenon intriguing, and I recognize its urgent need for policy implementation. This exploration is driven by the acknowledgment that as social media becomes increasingly ingrained in everyday life, its influence extends to various societal issues. This raises concerns that warrant attention and the implementation of proactive measures to address the evolving dynamics of digital family life.