TIB Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Explain why I wasn’t invited to family movie night

–  give example: home alone and feeling bad for the “bad” guys

  1. Introduce my hypersensitivity and empathy

– Examples from childhood: movies/shows, bugs, toys

  1. “I believe that experiencing profound emotions is not a bad thing, as long as I extend the same kindness and understanding to myself.”
  2. Body
  3. Story of my first car accident

– Mundanity of driving to school (driving fast down backroads)

– deer jumped in front of my car

  1. Implications

– had never killed something before

– saw the carcass on my way back

– guilt over not stopping

  1. Aftermath

– used it as inspiration to go vegetarian

– viewed it more as a punishment

– wasn’t giving myself the proper substitutes for meat

  1. Full circle
  • Had to come to terms with the fact that it wasn’t my fault
  • What happened was an accident
  • Vegetarian wasn’t a bad thing so long as I did it correctly and for the right reasons

III. Transition

  1. Always viewed my empathy as a bad thing
  • Learned it’s a gift and part of who I am
  1. Conclusion
  1. I will never change
  • Learn to look at my quirks as attributes and use them productively
  1. Reflect on the Importance
  • Easy to get caught up in things that are bad about yourself
  • Messy cycle (doesn’t do any good)
  1. Reflection pt. 2
  • More proactive to move on
  1. Closing Statement

– why “I believe that experiencing profound emotions is not a bad thing, as long as I extend the same kindness and understanding to myself.”