Commonplace in Ads: #LikeAGirl

“Always” is a feminine hygiene brand that focuses on what the true meaning is behind being a girl. This brand produced a worldwide spread campaign named “#LikeAGirl” which promoted woman positivity and continued to stop the derogatory slander for doing things like a girl. This topic resonated universally and had a big impact on breaking the stereotype for woman and young girls across the entire world. The commonplace of this ad was a huge building block for the big issue in the world which is woman equality and women empowerment. It promotes a good base so that not only woman can be educated on this topic, but men as well. The advertisement serves as an educating, interesting video that should get people thinking about all the different stereotypes against women and how we can promote the upcoming change for women equality.

Initially, “always” did not expect for this advertisement to grow the way that it did. What was interesting about this campaign was that the audience not only attracted women, but also intrigued men as well. It made the opposite gender really think about how we perceive women to be. The main goal for this brand was just that, change the way everyone thinks about being, playing, and acting like a girl. There was a study that was done that said 70% of women and 60% of men claimed that “the video changed my perception of the phrase “like a girl.” This ad is very wide known and the certainty that about 7 years later people still talk about this campaign shows it impacted the lives of so many people. This shows we are one step closer to creating the equality between women and men. As more campaigns and ads try to deliver the message considering stereotypes about women, the closer we will get to full unity as a community.



3 thoughts on “Commonplace in Ads: #LikeAGirl”

  1. I think it is very interesting how they used a typically negative phrased and flipped it on its head to promote and show the positive side. I also like how you gave background information to not only the advertisement but the company and the phrase too.

  2. I like that you included the context to the commonplace used in this ad, and explained how Always used a commonplace with a negative connotation and changed it into a positive thing. It is also very interesting to see the public reaction to the advertisement and how many people’s perspective of the phrase “like a girl” changed after Always adopted the slogan.

  3. I saw this ad when it came out, and I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that it changed many people’s perspective on the phrase “like a girl”. In the immediate aftermath, a lot of people around me were realizing that some of the smaller, seemingly-innocent comments they made were harmful in ways they wouldn’t have previously acknowledged.

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