Intro to Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Fast fashion can be defined as “cheap, trendy clothing that samples ideas from the catwalk or celebrity cultured turns them into garments in high street stores at breakneck speed to meet consumer demand.” Many people do not realize the impacts that this so-called fast fashion has on our environment considering pollution and excessive waste. Well known companies such as Shein, Topshop, Zara, and H&M are the front-facing objectives of this ongoing fast fashion issue. As over production tends to get more and more popular, the abundance of waste heightens. […………………………………….adding more sentences/information…………………………………………………………………..] While tackling the issue on over production and pollution, the well known companies H&M and Adidas use their media to promote the commonplaces of “Save the Earth” and “Stop Fast Fashion” by creating clothing that contains recycled items in every piece they create. Though, the ideas of these companies can seem to be controversial as people view both of these companies as fast fashion retail.

4 thoughts on “Intro to Rhetorical Analysis Essay”

  1. Hi Madeline! I think that your topic is really good, but I would add more analytic language to your introduction. What specifically are you going to be discussing as far as analysis in your paper? Maybe your first body paragraph could be explaining what fast fashion is and how it is harmful, and you can move some of the info from your intro into there. I would also work on your first sentence to make it grab the reader’s attention more and you need a thesis statement.

  2. Madeline, your intro captured my attention and I am very excited to read your analytical essay! Maybe consider using some sort of anecdote as a hook to draw readers in more rather than jumping straight to the definition.

  3. Your intro is very interesting and I like the amount of background information and context about not only your artifacts but the entire environmental situation. I do think it would help to state what parts of your artifacts you’ll be taking about and the different strategies they use.

  4. This is going to be a great paper! I found your introduction grabbing my attention while I was reading. I think incorporating more specifics about how will analyze your artifacts would be useful. Overall, well done!

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