Reflection on TED Talk and Group Ideas


After watching my groups TED Talks one that really stuck out to me was Kiersten’s. She had such an amazing TED Talk which was super interesting and striking. I was very invested in her topic and learned a lot from it. She talks about parenting and discipline styles changing over time which was super interesting. I think that her presence and the way she presented her information was very interesting and made me want to listen to what she had to say. This was a great topic to choose and I really think Kiersten did a great job with analyzing it.

Ideas for Project

I think a good idea for the upcoming group project would be to talk about planned parenthood. I think this is a really controversial topic that had a lot of backup information and sources that we could use. Another idea for the project would be to talk about the controversy of the covid 19 vaccinations. This is a very hot topic right now and I think we would be able to find a lot of information as well. I am very excited for this project because I have a great group and discovering controversial topics can be very fun and interesting.


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