Similar most other religions, altars are an important part of a witch’s practice and spirituality. However, a witch’s altar is not quite the same as an altar found in the typical church. For example, my altar is simply set up on my bureau in my bedroom, but it still holds great importance. The main purpose of an altar is to serve as a focal point for rituals, spellwork, and meditation. Most witches prefer a round surface, but any flat surface will work, even if it is just your desk. It is extremely important that your flat surface is made of natural elements, like wood, as most practices utilizes natural and raw energies; metal can be used as a last resort. There is no need to go out and buy a brand new piece of furniture, in fact; older furniture holds energies from your everyday life that will strengthen your spellwork. Another option would be to set up your altar in a safe outdoor area, where you would have access to raw materials containing high energy.
After discovering where you want to put your altar, now it is time to actually set it up. The first step is to lay down a piece of fabric that will act as a base for you set up. This fabric can be any color, design, texture, or material that you desire, and many witches even change altar fabric to match a specific ritual or the seasons. Now it is time to add the magical elements that will turn your random piece of furniture into a witch’s altar. Gather all your materials that you use for spellwork: crystals, tarot cards, candles, herbs, bottles, sigils, and whatever else you may use. How and where you place these items is up to you, as long as you have a place to work. A common set up, is to divide your materials into earth, fire, air, and water based and place them in the cardinal directions. Earth is most often placed to the north and fire often to the south. However, it is best to follow your intuition and creating your own set up can actually be more beneficial. Your altar can be as extravagant or simple as you please, but should always focus on providing the correct energies to charge your practices.
Setting up an altar can be an intimidating task, but remember that most forms of witchcraft are about finding what is best for you. If all you can create is to set up your desk, for short periods of time, with fabric, a candle, and some crystals, then that is perfectly workable. Remember to always practice safely and never place flammable items near your candles, or delicate objects close to the edge. Many companies have been known to try and sell expensive altar kits that do not really work. Always stick to your intuition and work with what you have! In fact, I would ever recommend to start small and allow your altar to evolve with your spirituality over time.
Glad with the base information