
Admit it, if you are even a little bit into astrology, you have checked your compatibility with someone. It may seem silly to base an entire relationship on the compatibility of zodiac signs, but there is some truth to it. It is important to step back and realize you are not looking at signs but basic personalities. Additionally, now that you know all about planets and signs, you know we need to look at venus zodiac signs to truly gauge compatibility. But how does it work?

Compatibility is not as black and white as compatible or incompatible but is instead a sort of spectrum. The misconception that zodiac compatibility is black and white stems from beliefs about the elemental aspects of astrology. For example, fire signs are not supposed to get along with water signs because they find water signs too sensitive. Another example would be air signs avoiding earth signs because they find them boring. While there is a small amount of truth to these beliefs, it is fully possible to befriend an opposite sign and have it work. This is because you cannot interpret someone’s entire personality base on one sign. As I stated, to test compatibility it is important to look at the venus sign, and even one’s mercury sign plays an important role.

Now, let’s test some compatibility! To begin you will need the birth charts of both parties, whether that be you and your partner or just some friends. Once you have your charts handy, find your venus and mercury sign and determine what element they are, here is a link to my blog about zodiacs. This is where the rules about the elements kick in, the air signs are most compatible with other air and fire signs, but a water relationship is still possible, therefore; fire signs work best with air and other fire signs. Earth and water are compatible with each other mostly but could make any relationship work. Once you have decided what element your venus and mercury signs are you can finally decide your zodiac compatibility.

While astrology can have a lot of benefits, there is no reason to end a relationship over your zodiac signs’ compatibility. Like I said it is a spectrum, and no two people are the same even if they share the same sign. So, go have fun with your new knowledge of astrology always remembering to keep in mind the bigger picture and that nothing is truly black and white.

One comment

  1. Madison,

    I love the theme of your blog! I can definitely admit that before my boyfriend and I started dating, I thoroughly checked our compatibility just to see. I really think it’s a cool tool to have for reference and to see where growth may be needed. Also, I love that you included a chart, because sometimes not everyone can get a good read just simply based on words. Of course astrology and astrological compatibility isn’t the end-all-be-all of people and relationships, but it’s very insightful.

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