What is a Retrograde?

I am sure at one point or another you have heard of a retrograde, most likely mercury retrograde, and have been told it is a period of time where nothing in your life will seem to go right or you will hear some unexpected news. Most people chalk it up to being a time where you can blame your struggles on astrology or complete nonsense. But what is a retrograde, really?

Scientifically speaking, retrograde is when a planet or system appears to move in the opposite direction. They are not actually moving backward it is just a trick of the eye. In astronomy, retrograde is a very common occurrence and actually does not mean all that much, but they hold a significant place in the world of astrology. In simple terms, a retrograde signifies talking a step back to reflect on your own life, similar to the illusionary movement of the planet. Retrogrades should be seen as a time to review and evaluate the path you are on and decide if it is the correct one. While you may not be actively doing this, life is doing for you. If you feel as though nothing is going your way, it is time to sit down and reevaluate your trajectory, while the opposite is true too, if life seems to be better than ever, keep doing what you are doing.

Retrogrades also deal heavily with the past, meaning past events or even people often resurface during this time. Oftentimes, issues or struggles one tried to skate over or avoid will reappear, so you can no longer hide from them. Sometimes, even if you believe an issue has been dealt with, if there are still feelings about it you will need to face them.

While these events can be emotional and impactful, it is important to remember that each one is a sign of trying to guide your life in the right direction. While it can human nature to want to avoid the hard topics in life, dealing with them head-on can help change your life for the better. Additionally, just as the planets in your birth chart correspond to different aspects of life, so do the various planet retrograde. For instance, during Venus retrograde, it would be a time where one may see romantic tensions. However, it is important to remember, astrology does not control your life, but it can be used as a tool to help guide it. So next time you hear that a retrograde is coming, look for and listen to the signs life is trying to give you!

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