D2. The teacher establishes and maintains productive, collaborative relationships with colleagues and families.
This comic strip was developed in order to show the importance of positive relationships inside and outside of the classroom. Not only is it important to have strong connections with our students but, it is crucial for educators to connect with families and other’s associated with the classroom. By having a close relationship with our student’s families, educators can create more meaningful content and lessons to best meet academic standards and objectives.
Successful lessons typically incorporate children’s interests and Funds of Knowledge. With that being said, it is important to learn the dynamics of each student’s life outside of the classroom. When educators create a respectful collaboration between members at home and those at school, each student can prosper to higher levels.
Lastly, this comic strip depicts my philosophy towards learning. I feel that by providing my students with similar assignments to show their understandings, they will be more successful. Not only are comic strips unique ways to show learning but, they also incorporate creativity and student choice. By using assignments similar to the one presented above, children will be more engaged and eager to present their work.