Paradigm Shift

The rapid change in society’s “norms” due to to technological advances is evident. More than ever, people remain glued to their screens, oblivious to the world around them. The younger generations face more of a problem than anyone else. Like the girl mentions in the article, these generations “didn’t have a choice to know any life without iPads or iPhones.” The world as history has come to know it has seen a shift in society. For so long people longed for technology, constantly adapting to new findings and encouraging the evolution of simple tasks. Without these advancements, the world would not be this highly functioning. People appreciate and look for more ways to make their lives easier everyday. Technology is a tremendous thing.

However, the creation of the phone, and of the internet, and of applications that allow for relaxing distractions from the chaotic life that a lot of people live has influenced the way people now view technology. What started as new, exciting forms of communication and social medias to stay up to date on other’s lives has shifted to concern for the generation that does not know a life without technology. As mentioned in the article, the youth is becoming more depressive and reserved because the minor ability to interact socially has become difficult to do. Parents worry for the well being of their children and of those their age who act similarly. The technology addiction is real. Kids are expected of less responsibilities because they are no longer mature enough at a young age to accomplish what was once normal for a young kid. But, people are starting to realize the dangers, quickly adjusting their opinions on certain technology. The quick shift in beliefs has only shifted the thoughts of technology. The outcome of these new feelings has yet to be seen; hopefully it will soon.

Liberty Enlightening the World


A staple landmark on the trip to Penn State is the random Statue of Liberty on a rock in the middle of the river. A staple landmark in Las Vegas is the Statue of Liberty in Liberty Square. A staple in American history is the Statue of Liberty that overlooks New York city, standing tall, representing the country as a whole and all of its values.

With the goal of representing the friendship between France and the United States, a team of French designers created the Statue of Liberty to be stood on American ground. Since the 1800’s, Lady Liberty has watched over history, welcoming immigrants to Ellis Island, encouraging democracy, and symbolizing the freedom of the United States’ people. This statue reminds the American people why they are fortunate to live in such a free country.

Having become a popular tourist attraction, everyday the Statue of Liberty is seen by thousands of people. She hovers above the city line in the distance, seen by families driving cars and kids on bicycles. Her gigantic stature brings attention to her arm holding the torch bearing the date of Independence Day. The copper color she once wore has washed away to green, yet she still stands proudly.

Lady Liberty’s image is a reflection of the country as a whole. Often, people talk poorly of their country, criticizing the government and poor economic system. But, more often people talk proudly, recognizing how far it has come, providing every citizen with the freedom they deserve and continuously trying to improve this freedom. The restorations to the statue every 100 years represent this in a way.

Across the country, smaller statues can be found, emphasizing the impact she has on the average American. But, she is also seen across the globe. After all, France designed her. Her iconic stance in different parts of the world creates community and understanding of other cultures.

The nation was founded on ideals that the American people still live by today. The Statue of Liberty serves as a reminder to all as to why these ideals still remain.

The Incredible Difference of Such Similar Words

The popular word “Coexist” has made it’s way onto bumper stickers, t-shirts, wall posters, tapestries, and basically any other form of material you can put a logo on. The purpose of the word is to spread inclusion, love, peace and empowerment to the differences of others around the world and at home.

Of course, there’s always the people who need to antagonize and find excuses to flaunt their opinions in rude ways. This new bumper sticker displays the word “Exist,” but instead of a variety of religious, gender, and peace symbols, the letters stem from shapes of guns and targets.

While the idea is clever, I find it disrespectful with a lack of poor judgement. I appreciate the people who defend their rights. Everyone has the right to stand up for what they believe in. The purpose of this bumper sticker is to defend the 2nd Amendment. But the meaning behind the sticker is much deeper. There’s a reason why it doesn’t just voice “Defend You 2nd Amendment Right!”

The creator behind this wanted to counteract the “Coexist” stickers and get strong reactions out of the supporters of that cause. While others are advocating for peace and understanding, some are looking to fight. The problem with their stance is that it’s too strong.

I found the source supplying these stickers and one of the reviews read, “Great sticker, esp if you’re tired of seeing the ‘coexist’ ones around town.” The “Exist” sticker purposely attacks the other one. Just because supporters of this movement are “tired” they find reason to defeat the meaning, ostracizing the people who are trying to create a world of peace. The intentions are creative, displaying a powerful idea with deep purpose. There’s no denying that. What they fail to convey, is respect and appreciation for others in the world.

I find no harm in exercising rights, but the manner in which those rights are exercised makes a difference.

The Power of Unity

The day after President Trump was inaugurated into office, millions of women nationwide marched to fight for their rights. Washington DC hosted the biggest crowd, the most important crowd for the government to see. I myself, participated in the Woman’s March in 2017, followed by the one in 2018, 2019; nothing will stop me from attending this upcoming one and all of the ones after it. Through these marches, as a collective group, we empower and inspire. Every year, campaign ads, posters, PSA’s, newsletters, emails, and so many more influential material floods the country with the ultimate goal of creating change. Not only do these appear for the march, but throughout the year as well, including International Woman’s Day.

Last year’s campaign for International Woman’s Day featured messages like the one displayed on this image:

All around, this image is incredibly influential. Between the professionally dressed woman front and center drawing attention and the powerful words printed in the corners, the message driving this visual presents urgency for its audience. Dedication to bettering the world seems to be a common message in our country recently; across the map people dedicate themselves to the environment, equality for all, and human rights.

Woman’s rights is a big topic of conversation. Women receive unequal pay, lack control of their own body, and are seen as inferior to the opposite gender.

In the image, the largest sized sentences command that we “better the balance” and “better the world.” By commanding, the necessity to complete these tasks seems important. The word “Balance” is capitalized, emphasizing the importance of equality among woman and men.

The use of hashtags continues the urgency. People follow hashtags on social media to stay up to date and connected to the trends and events of the current moment, especially younger generations, the ones that will have the biggest impact on the future. The specific ones presented on the image promote the International Woman’s Day for this year. They encourage women (and men) to participate in the improvement of woman’s rights immediately and with enthusiasm.

The woman pictured holds her hands up as if saying “which choice will you make?” By questioning choice, she makes the cause more appealing and causes the audience to become more eager. It also puts someone on the spot, making them question whether or not they are making the right choice by helping or not.

Personally, I am your stereotypical feminist, so I was already on board to make a difference when I started to see posters like this one, but the Woman’s March and International Woman’s Day campaign posters inflate my love for changing the world day by day. Now is the time to fight. Now is the time to “better the balance” and “better the world.” There is no better time than now. These ads and posters and billboards displayed by the companies behind these movements are powerful and convincing, proving the importance of time.

I know what choice I made after seeing these signs. What choice will others make?