The Power of Unity

The day after President Trump was inaugurated into office, millions of women nationwide marched to fight for their rights. Washington DC hosted the biggest crowd, the most important crowd for the government to see. I myself, participated in the Woman’s March in 2017, followed by the one in 2018, 2019; nothing will stop me from attending this upcoming one and all of the ones after it. Through these marches, as a collective group, we empower and inspire. Every year, campaign ads, posters, PSA’s, newsletters, emails, and so many more influential material floods the country with the ultimate goal of creating change. Not only do these appear for the march, but throughout the year as well, including International Woman’s Day.

Last year’s campaign for International Woman’s Day featured messages like the one displayed on this image:

All around, this image is incredibly influential. Between the professionally dressed woman front and center drawing attention and the powerful words printed in the corners, the message driving this visual presents urgency for its audience. Dedication to bettering the world seems to be a common message in our country recently; across the map people dedicate themselves to the environment, equality for all, and human rights.

Woman’s rights is a big topic of conversation. Women receive unequal pay, lack control of their own body, and are seen as inferior to the opposite gender.

In the image, the largest sized sentences command that we “better the balance” and “better the world.” By commanding, the necessity to complete these tasks seems important. The word “Balance” is capitalized, emphasizing the importance of equality among woman and men.

The use of hashtags continues the urgency. People follow hashtags on social media to stay up to date and connected to the trends and events of the current moment, especially younger generations, the ones that will have the biggest impact on the future. The specific ones presented on the image promote the International Woman’s Day for this year. They encourage women (and men) to participate in the improvement of woman’s rights immediately and with enthusiasm.

The woman pictured holds her hands up as if saying “which choice will you make?” By questioning choice, she makes the cause more appealing and causes the audience to become more eager. It also puts someone on the spot, making them question whether or not they are making the right choice by helping or not.

Personally, I am your stereotypical feminist, so I was already on board to make a difference when I started to see posters like this one, but the Woman’s March and International Woman’s Day campaign posters inflate my love for changing the world day by day. Now is the time to fight. Now is the time to “better the balance” and “better the world.” There is no better time than now. These ads and posters and billboards displayed by the companies behind these movements are powerful and convincing, proving the importance of time.

I know what choice I made after seeing these signs. What choice will others make?

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