The Incredible Difference of Such Similar Words

The popular word “Coexist” has made it’s way onto bumper stickers, t-shirts, wall posters, tapestries, and basically any other form of material you can put a logo on. The purpose of the word is to spread inclusion, love, peace and empowerment to the differences of others around the world and at home.

Of course, there’s always the people who need to antagonize and find excuses to flaunt their opinions in rude ways. This new bumper sticker displays the word “Exist,” but instead of a variety of religious, gender, and peace symbols, the letters stem from shapes of guns and targets.

While the idea is clever, I find it disrespectful with a lack of poor judgement. I appreciate the people who defend their rights. Everyone has the right to stand up for what they believe in. The purpose of this bumper sticker is to defend the 2nd Amendment. But the meaning behind the sticker is much deeper. There’s a reason why it doesn’t just voice “Defend You 2nd Amendment Right!”

The creator behind this wanted to counteract the “Coexist” stickers and get strong reactions out of the supporters of that cause. While others are advocating for peace and understanding, some are looking to fight. The problem with their stance is that it’s too strong.

I found the source supplying these stickers and one of the reviews read, “Great sticker, esp if you’re tired of seeing the ‘coexist’ ones around town.” The “Exist” sticker purposely attacks the other one. Just because supporters of this movement are “tired” they find reason to defeat the meaning, ostracizing the people who are trying to create a world of peace. The intentions are creative, displaying a powerful idea with deep purpose. There’s no denying that. What they fail to convey, is respect and appreciation for others in the world.

I find no harm in exercising rights, but the manner in which those rights are exercised makes a difference.

One thought on “The Incredible Difference of Such Similar Words

  1. I understand your sentiment; I feel the same way about the Christian fish that is my wine to Support Darwinism. Instead of finding their own way of expressing themselves they have to violate another. In this world of no decorum, turn around is fair play.

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