Liberty Enlightening the World


A staple landmark on the trip to Penn State is the random Statue of Liberty on a rock in the middle of the river. A staple landmark in Las Vegas is the Statue of Liberty in Liberty Square. A staple in American history is the Statue of Liberty that overlooks New York city, standing tall, representing the country as a whole and all of its values.

With the goal of representing the friendship between France and the United States, a team of French designers created the Statue of Liberty to be stood on American ground. Since the 1800’s, Lady Liberty has watched over history, welcoming immigrants to Ellis Island, encouraging democracy, and symbolizing the freedom of the United States’ people. This statue reminds the American people why they are fortunate to live in such a free country.

Having become a popular tourist attraction, everyday the Statue of Liberty is seen by thousands of people. She hovers above the city line in the distance, seen by families driving cars and kids on bicycles. Her gigantic stature brings attention to her arm holding the torch bearing the date of Independence Day. The copper color she once wore has washed away to green, yet she still stands proudly.

Lady Liberty’s image is a reflection of the country as a whole. Often, people talk poorly of their country, criticizing the government and poor economic system. But, more often people talk proudly, recognizing how far it has come, providing every citizen with the freedom they deserve and continuously trying to improve this freedom. The restorations to the statue every 100 years represent this in a way.

Across the country, smaller statues can be found, emphasizing the impact she has on the average American. But, she is also seen across the globe. After all, France designed her. Her iconic stance in different parts of the world creates community and understanding of other cultures.

The nation was founded on ideals that the American people still live by today. The Statue of Liberty serves as a reminder to all as to why these ideals still remain.

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