Paradigm Shift

The rapid change in society’s “norms” due to to technological advances is evident. More than ever, people remain glued to their screens, oblivious to the world around them. The younger generations face more of a problem than anyone else. Like the girl mentions in the article, these generations “didn’t have a choice to know any life without iPads or iPhones.” The world as history has come to know it has seen a shift in society. For so long people longed for technology, constantly adapting to new findings and encouraging the evolution of simple tasks. Without these advancements, the world would not be this highly functioning. People appreciate and look for more ways to make their lives easier everyday. Technology is a tremendous thing.

However, the creation of the phone, and of the internet, and of applications that allow for relaxing distractions from the chaotic life that a lot of people live has influenced the way people now view technology. What started as new, exciting forms of communication and social medias to stay up to date on other’s lives has shifted to concern for the generation that does not know a life without technology. As mentioned in the article, the youth is becoming more depressive and reserved because the minor ability to interact socially has become difficult to do. Parents worry for the well being of their children and of those their age who act similarly. The technology addiction is real. Kids are expected of less responsibilities because they are no longer mature enough at a young age to accomplish what was once normal for a young kid. But, people are starting to realize the dangers, quickly adjusting their opinions on certain technology. The quick shift in beliefs has only shifted the thoughts of technology. The outcome of these new feelings has yet to be seen; hopefully it will soon.

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