Paradigm Focus

I have not given enough thought to my topic, but so this one is subject to change.

At this current moment in time, I have looked at possibly focusing on the shift in how society views smoking and alcohol. I intend to look into the youth and their use. Stories are often told of the times when adults were younger and they would smoke cigarettes with their friends or drink at a young age with their parents. But as these generations get older, there are rises in concern for health and education. I plan to tell the story of this shift in views from those who grew up with it as a norm and have now completely changed their stance. I will most likely  focus on the last 50-100 years, which is a long time, but the quick shift is substantial.

This shift is important because it strongly affects society as a whole. The use of drugs and tobacco products is still relevant today as the youth explores vaping and other ways to get buzzed. People need to become educated on the topic as it connects to every individual whether they participate in the actions or not.

This is my possible topic for now, I will probably switch to something related more to health, like the shift in fast food choices and the awareness of the dangers in eating poorly.

One thought on “Paradigm Focus

  1. I actually wrote about this same topic in my post! I think it’d make for a good topic, because the way people view and think about smoking has changed so much among generations. We grew up knowing that smoking is bad for our health, but generations before didn’t know this. If you don’t end up going with this, I think doing something related to health would be good! I think fast food would be a really interesting topic to research, since it has become such a big part of our culture within the last century.

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