Analysis of a Ted Talk

The Ted Talk I chose to analyze is one done by someone I know. My dad, a teacher at Haverford Middle School, used to be colleagues with a woman named Madi Still. I got to know her because they were friends. To me, she was full of energy and constantly living life with vibrant energy and appreciation for the small things. I never got to see her in a professional setting, so I thought analyzing one of her talks would be interesting.

When I was eight years old, I remember hearing about the tragic news. I remember hearing my dad tell me that Marissa, the name I know her by, lost her baby. I was too young to understand the pain of losing anyone as it had not happened to me yet. I sympathized and could only pretend I knew what it felt like. But as I get older I can understand more, having experienced the pain of loss twice now.

Madi, as the audience knows her, strives to make people understand that pain leads to growth and finding meaning in life. She develops her message by evoking emotion. Her speech starts enthusiastically, explaining tiny moments and details of life. But quickly, it shifts. She tells the story of her son’s death. When listening, it’s hard not to hear the silence of the audience as they become more intrigued. How is this woman, who’s gone through the most tragic event possible standing here in front of everyone talking so openly and confidently? Her ability to show her strength and dedication to this speech shows exactly what she’s trying to prove. The pain of her loss is why she is up on the stage. She is there to help others break through the way she has. Pain is temporary, maybe not one minute, but using it as a step stool to reach a better point in life is how to make it only last a temporary amount of time. She’s conversational. Her words are relatable and encourage understanding among every audience member. The majority can relate to her points. For this reason, she talks with them and works to help them. Overall, she perfectly captures attention and completes her goal.

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