Today I’m taking a bit of a different approach. Instead of discussing a specific serial killer, I am going to share a fourteen year old girl’s story with you, or at least what is known of it.
I am not sure about the real girl’s name, just that she was fourteen and raped and killed in Norristown, Pennsylvania. A book was made, and then a movie, based off of her and her story.
For the sake of this post and trying to make it easier to follow, we’ll call the girl Susie Salmon, because that is her name in the movie. The movie is called The Lovely Bones and besides a few flashbacks of how she was killed, most of the plot is with Susie already dead and in heaven, trying to help her family find her killer and gain some much needed closure.
Now let’s talk about the murder. Susie was walking home from school for dinner one night, and decided to take a shortcut through the cornfield in her town. In that field, she runs into George Harvey. She doesn’t know him personally, but recognizes him, and he explains that he is her neighbor. He is overwhelmingly friendly towards Susie, who was a polite girl, and he asked her if she wanted to see his fort he had built under the corn field. She accepted this offer, and they went underground, into his hideout. Little did Susie know, that one decision would be the end for her. After looking around and praising his work, Susie politely said she must be getting home to her parents for dinner. Harvey refused this, telling her to stay. This is when it dawns on Susie the mistake she has made, and she tries again to leave but Harvey gets insistent about her staying. She tries to make a run for it, but Harvey grabs her, she screams, and the screen goes black. She died.
You find out later in the movie that Susie being the victim to Harvey’s crime was not by random chance. He had actually stalked her and taken many photos of her on his camera in the neighborhood, he was always watching her. He had an obsession with Susie.
Although I don’t know for sure how much of this story is true, or how much it was embellished for film and entertainment purposes, I do know that a little girl was murdered, and that should not be overlooked. I won’t spoil the ending of the movie, but I would definitely recommend it.
That does sound like a gripping movie, and very strange to think about this happening in such proximity to where we live.
This sounds like a good but scary movie. It’s scary how it was a neighbor who did this to her not someone crazy that no one knew. Also I think you meant George Harvey lolll I saw steve harvey and was shocked at first
A lot of my friends have read the book and said that they really liked it. Why in my head did I think about Steve Harvey just yanking someone into a hole and then realize that he yanked the wrong person HAHA
These stories always terrify me. This seems to not be an uncommon story either. My mom watches a lot of “Dateline”, “48 hours”, and “20/20” so I am familiar with the murder stories like these ones. I think because she watches so many of these shows, it was very much in my mind that I need to be careful and do not trust people that I don’t know. I think it is good that movies like that one exist to spread awareness of this issue and allow parents to properly educate and warn their children about the danger of talking to strangers.