MakerPop 2018 | Photos

MakerPop 2018 was a success! We had fun interacting with our fabulous attendees who were eager to learn!

The Maker Group that made it possible! Past and Current Students from LDT 597 Class ‘Makerspaces in Education’ taught by Dr Gabriela Richard

We were fortunate to host this event at Krause Innovation Studio On April 12th 12-1pm. Several classes showed up as a group besides many other attendees who were just curious to learn about new educational technologies!

Dr Gabriela Richard admiring the engagement of attendees in maker activities

Zach presenting Paper and Ink Circuits

Chuck presenting Squishy Circuits

Rebecca presenting Makey Makey 

Sagun presenting KIBO

Sonia Presenting Lilypad Arduino

Soo presenting LitteBits

Kerry presenting recycled materials and musical instruments!

Will presenting Bloxels

Xinyi presenting Arduino

Happy attendees presenting their twinkling robot bookmark craft using LilyPad Arduino!

other e-textile projects

Augmented Reality Instructional Design for LilyPad designed by Sonia. Attendees could scan their ‘Stitch Card’ (template over which they can sew circuits using conductive thread) with HP Reveal App to see instructional animation.

3d printed badges from Maker Commons designed by Sonia for our fellow Makers organizing this event!




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