Deliberation #1


Deliberation title:

State of Mind

Description of the deliberation:

Our discussion started with the mental health organization CAPS in Penn State. We found out that the mental health problem has been an issue for college students. the problem also involved with the question “how can we get help?”. Even though CAPS was established and advertised in every single class, it is still hard for the students to contact or know how it works. Therefore, our group aimed at first knowing how the program works and how are we able to make it better. We analyzed three different approaches includes improving CAPS, creating an accepting and stigma-free environment, and promoting mental health as a part of the general education. After our approaches, we will hold discussions amongst the audience and help to bring this issue to attention.

My Role:

I am assigned to do the team summary and outreach.

Design and arrange the issue guide written by the other Mini-Teams, take notes during the approaches, moderate the conclusion, develop and hand out the post-deliberation questionnaire, invite at least three local organizations who may care about your deliberation topic (save the evidence of that invitation), create social media campaign for the event, format the post-deliberation reports and write the cover letters/emails for sending the post-deliberation reports to policymakers.

What I am currently working on:

I am currently working on the flyer of our deliberation. We are going to email the flyer as an invitation to the fellow students and CAPS members. In the same time, I was helping to do the research on the second approach on how to provide a stigma-free environment. And we are just waiting for other groups to give us their analysis so we could finalize them and create a pamphlet to bullet point the topics and hand it out during the deliberation.

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