My video game speech

I  thought  I did pretty well on my speech, but by god is the sound bad. The sound, the sound, the sound. Not only was my visual presentation essentially completely inaudible, but my actual voice sounded weird the whole time. Is there something wrong with my mic? I have to check that out.

I can improve on my  delivery. I was a bit nervous and it showed in the way I pronounced some words. I also could have trusted my thoughts more rather than staring at the notes. This could have provided a better flow to my words, ( I kind of sped through) I didn’t realize that my eyes were looking to the right where my notes were for pretty much the whole time. I should have tried to focus more on the audience.

Overall, I think my actual content was fine. I provided a thesis that I’m relatively proud of, though perhaps it could have been organized a bit better. I wasn’t sure exactly how to organize the speech, so I pretty much just put it in a way I thought sounded right and called it a day. I noticed while watching that there were some odd sentence placements and points were reiterated a few too many times.

If there’s one thing I could have changed, it would have been to add a bit more meat to the bones of the body, while removing the filler. I could have done away with the video, as funny as it is, because it completely flopped. I could have focused more on modern consoles and data that supported my thesis.


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