Group Leader
Dr. Michael E. Mann
Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science, Penn State University
Director, Earth System Science Center
Research Associates
Daniel J. Brouillette
Research Scientist, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, Penn State University
Associate Director, Earth System Science Center
Graduate Students
Ana BolivarĀ
Undergraduate Students
Chris Turnbull
Web Assistant
Group Associates
Scott Rutherford
Professor, Roger Williams University
Ryan Sriver
Associate Professor, Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Illinois
Byron Steinman
Associate Professor, Large Lakes Observatory, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Minnesota Duluth
Group Alumni
Penn State University alumni
Amanda Walker (2017 M.S.): Technical Meteorologist, Athenium Analytics
Andra J. (Reed) Garner (2016 Ph.D.): Assistant Professor, Dept. of Environmental Science, Rowan University
Sreece Goldberger (2015 M.S.)
Daniel J. Brouillette (2015 M.S.): Research Scientist, Dept. of Meteorology/Atmospheric Science, Penn State University
Steven Simon (2015 M.S.): Physical Scientist, Lynker Technologies
Liang Ning (2012 Ph.D.): School of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University
Fangxing Fan (2011 Ph.D.): Research Scientist, International Center for Climate and Environment Sciences (ICCES), Chinese Academy of Sciences
Brandon Katz (2009 M.S.): Catastrophe Modelling Consultant, JLT Towers Re
Michael Kozar (2011 M.S.): Risk Management Solutions/HWind Scientific
Thomas Sabbatelli (2009 M.S.): Senior Solution Specialist, Risk Management Solutions
University of Virginia alumni
Julian Adams (2003 M.S.)
Peter Cleary (2004 M.S.)
Benjamin Cook (2004 M.S.; 2007 Ph.D.): Climate Scientist, NASA/GISS and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Zhihua Zhang (2006 Ph.D.): NOAA/NESDIS
University of Massachusetts alumni
Caspar Ammann (2000 Ph.D.)
Anne Waple (1999 Ph.D.)