Other Studies: Climate Change Impacts

Heat stress in U.S. may double by the end of the century

Increasing ocean stability decreases productivity and reduces carbon burial

Controlling future summer weather extremes still within our grasp

Sea-level rise, not stronger storm surge, will cause future NYC flooding

New Research on Assessing Climate Change Impact on Extreme Weather

Human-caused warming likely led to recent streak of record-breaking temperatures

Extreme weather events linked to climate change impact on the jet stream

Earth Will Cross the Climate Danger Threshold by 2036. The rate of global temperature rise may have hit a plateau, but a climate crisis still looms in the near future. (Scientific American, 2014)

Downscaling reveals diverse effects of anthropogenic climate warming on the potential for local environments to support malaria transmission (Climatic Change, 2014)

Observed and modeled changes in the South Asian Summer Monsoon over the historical period (Journal of Climate, 2010)

Understanding changes in the Asian summer monsoon over the past millennium: Insights from a long-term coupled model simulation (Journal of Climate, 2009)