Project 1
In project 1 we implemented a finite state machine to act as a cipher lock that would accept a unique code. The user generates the code by pressing the buttons to act as input signals B0 and B1 with generic single-pole single-throw (SPST) switches. Pull-up and pull-down resistors were also implemented in the circuit design process.
Project 2
In project 2, we built another cipher lock. But this lock is more sophisticated and take 4 signal inputs using buttons instead of 2 in project 1. The cipher code is unique to each student’s psu access id. Mine is ‘map6150’. Because zero is considered a signal to stay at the same state, it is not deemed a value of a possible code. Considering this, my pass code is now ‘6157’. The buttons must be pressed in such a way that they give the binary associated to each digit using B3, B2, B1, and B0. We used a combination of a physical circuit paired with a MyDaq and LABVIEW to realize this design. The circuit contains physicals controls (inputs) for the circuit in the form of switches and physical indicators in the for of LEDs. The LABVIEW code contains a state machine implemented using a nested case structure with the single outer case decoding the state variable and the single inner case decoding the inputs. To add functionality we created an action engine to interface with the external hardware.
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