Field notes & Income and Unemployment for Reading, Pa and Scranton, Pa

Field notes
• I choose to look at Buttonwood Street Reading, Pa. I went April 22, 2018, to take these pictures and do my notes too. The Weather was around 70 degrees out it was nice and sunny and it was around 2:00 pm. My first thought was driving across the bridge I remember back when I was 5 years old seeing a good amount of people working there but now no one seems to walk around there. At first, I took the pictures in my car because I didn’t want to walk around with my phone because it would make it noticeable. I parked the car and at in there every location, I decided to take notes. The first stop was near houses and a grocery store. The trees around there still looked dead and most of the plants there. The sidewalks looked a bit destroyed by overtime damage. The only people I saw around there were people in their cars or the people coming and going from the grocery store. The houses where the paint looks to be very old and chipped and wearied down over time. There’s a church on this street which some people were going into. Right across the church is a beautiful painting alongside a house wall and below it, there is a garden that some seems to use. Along this road, no one seems to be outside if they were outside they were just sitting on their porch. Some parts area was a lot of litter. I didn’t smell much as I was walking around the area. One place that seems to have a lot of people in the area was a place called House of food near the church. The most I have seen was one person walking outside of the hundreds of people who live there. People just seem to travel in one if they just walk around the area I haven’t seen no one travel in packs. There’s a lot of little restaurants on street comers and not much people go to them either if it was the time I went or never busy. There are more cars than people around here coming and going. Seems to be a heavy populated area but people don’t go walking outside at all. Mostly I saw a lot of Hispanics in this area. Overall, I feel like people don’t go out because of the heavy crime Reading has.

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