
Same House DE

In the Same House as Last Year Reading PA

Pop 16 Labor Force in Reading PA

Population 16 Years and Over in the Labor Force in Wilmington, DE.




My group and I went to Penn Ave for food at Taste of Crepes. We parked down the street a little so we had to walk a bit. The day was slightly chilly and the sun had not yet come out. Besides us and the people passing in cars, there was no one on the streets. Many of the buildings appear to have formerly been homes but the lower fronts of them have been redone as shop fronts. On the way to Taste of Crepes, there is a dance studio with an overhead advertising board like the classic movie theaters had. It advertises the studio’s current showing in blue, capital letters. After that, there are a few shops that did not remodel and embraced the home design.

The restaurant has orange siding and a black awning. A red and blue light up sign in the window lets us know that it is open. There is a raised platform and stairs leading up to the door. Justin attempts to pull the door but he fails to read the sign that says to push. There are tables with standard chairs but because we are a group or four and not a pair, we are seated at a table with benches next to a wall. The place is half full and no one really looks as we walk in and are seated. There is a good mix of age and gender and they are all eating and chatting at their tables. I sit facing the window and watch all the cars pass by on street. At one point, a man takes advantage of the red light to pick up a notepad to write something and fails to notice when the cars in front of him start moving again. When he does, he simply lowers the clipboard and accelerates. On the other side of the wall, there is a loud banging that melds in with the music playing on our side, which Brandon describes as a “smooth 70’s jazz”. A pair attempts to enter the restaurant but pulls instead of pushes; instead of laughing like we did when Justin did the same, she just makes her way into the restaurant. Two women arrived and when one tried to open the door, the other laughed at her. I observed one woman enter by herself who successfully opened the door on her first try.

Outside on the street, I notice a man and a woman, between mid-late 30’s, walking together. It seems to be a professional outing between an agent and her client. Some time later, a woman, in her early 40s, runs down the street and slows down so that she can drink her coffee.

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