Author Archives: mms6199

This is a map of Reading families that live under the poverty line who have children under the age of 18.

This is Reading, and the amount of children that we have 16-19 that did not graduate high school or are not enrolled in high school

This is Erie, and the map shows the families living under the poverty line who have children under the age of 18.

Park near the Citadel

Picture of Citadel

Kids playing in the park at the Citadel

This is the population in Duluth of people 16-19 that either did not graduate high school, or were never enrolled in high school.


I chose to observe the area around the Citadel around the time the kids got out of school. The kids come out all at once and it really is a mess. There were 2 officers in blue uniforms meaning that they are the SRO’s from Reading Police Department. There were about 7 security guards from Reading Citadel and they were trying to walk around and monitor what is going on. Lots of High School kids were walking around the area too, not just the middle schoolers. Lots of people yelling and there were a lot of cars backed up. There was a fight in the park and a cop and two security guards went to go break it up. There were kids climbing in the trees around the citadel after they got out of school. It was really cold out, but still kids were wearing shorts and t-shirts. There were hundreds of kids coming out of one main area, but two separate sides of the street. There were 4 school busses ready to pick up the kids. There was also a ton of trash on the ground and there was a used needle on the sidewalk when I was walking up the the citadel. Young kids were smoking cigarettes and the cigarettes littered the group. Rocks from berks rocks were also in the park. There were a lot of young kids yelling inappropriate things that they shouldn’t have been. A lot of kids stayed in groups of approximately 5-10 kids. Everyone was on their cell phones walking around but still holding conversations.