Author Archives: Ronald Stivala

Reading VS. Camden (Foreign Born & Income Less Then 10,000)

Camden NJ
foreign Born

Reading PA
Foreign Born

Reading PA
Income Less then 10,000

Camden NJ
Income less Then 10,000


Reading Field Notes:

On April 19, 2018  I entered Reading with Hannah, my group team member at around a ten – forty in the morning. The weather was dark with heavy overcast it seemed rain was coming. It was very cold and slightly windy the temperature may have been roughly around 40- 45 degrees.  Where we walked 5th and Penn, Court street and Penn, 6th and Penn. As we began our observation of the people of Reading we  started to see people dressed professionally what we assumed was them walking to work. These people were possibly business men. Some people hand coffee in hand others with suit cases. We decided to check out the court house on 5th and Penn. We saw a man out side the court house in a wheel chair using explicit language. There were lots of sirens from police vehicles driving down court street while during our observation. In general during our observation there was a high patrol of police cars along  5th and Penn Street. We made our way down walking Penn street walking down to 6th and Penn, people were sitting at the buss stop relaxing on there phones or smoking a cigarette. People walking in and out of shops as traffic and buses are passing by.  There were also people walking there dogs around accompanied by a friend, in one instance was two females one a blonde and the other a brunette walking what appeared to be a lab. The other instance was two men one white male and one black male walking there dog together which was a pit-bull. There was plenty of taco stands, there was a one stand almost every block. We observed a mother and a child order from the stand both the tenant of the stand and the customer speaking Spanish. People were ridding there bikes and skate boards down Penn Street. We noticed in our observation that many of the people we saw were Hispanic men. It wasn’t really super crowded in our block radius we observed. My guess was it was due to the Dark cold rainy weather we experienced at the time of our observation. Hannah and I concluded our observation of the people of Reading at approximate eleven-thirty.