
This pages lists resources that we used in our research.  Some can be accessed by only PSU students, but others can be accessed by anyone.


Finding Scholarly Articles

Scholarly journal articles are peer-reviewed studies in which a scholar (usually a professor) presents their research.  Scholarly articles differ from the popular magazines and newspapers we read each day. For a warm-up activity on scholarly vs. popular articles, try the “WordShoot” game .


Please download the  Scholarly vs Trade vs Popular–Criminal Justice chart.  Are the following articles scholarly, professional, or popular?


Scholarly Journal Article Databases (only Penn State students can access)




  • PsychInfo–a database of psychology articles.  The advanced searhc lets you limit to specific research methodologies such as quantitative or qualitative.


General Resources on Reading and Berks County (anyone can access)


GIS Mapping Tools (only Penn State students can access)


  • Social Explorer–“provides easy access to demographic information about the United States, from 1790 to present. It allows you to easily create visual maps and reports for a variety of variables.”