My name is Jae Sung Kim and I started the position Open Source Geospatial Analyst in Donald W. Hamer Center for Maps and Geospatial Information at Penn State University Libraries from this July. Before I came to Penn State University, I worked in research positions at multiple academic organizations, where I researched and built various GIS applications in environmental science, hydrology, and agriculture using open source geospatial and software technologies. These experiences made me enthusiastic about open source geospatial technologies because of their flexibility, reliability and efficiency in implementing research projects. Open source geospatial technologies are getting more sophisticated these days. Also, the application area of open source geospatial technologies is broadening. With my experience in implementing complex tasks using open source geospatial technologies, I provide academic consulting services regarding open source geospatial technologies to the members of Penn State University.
Currently at Penn State University Libraries, I am researching and building photogrammetric applications using open source software technologies to maximize automation of georeferencing procedures for aerial photographs. Related to this, I am interested in applying my approach to historical aerial photographs collection. Historical aerial photographs are very popular collection in library archives because of their importance in science. However, they tend to be in analogue format, and have different features than the current ones. It makes georeferencing or orthorectification of historical aerial photographs more complicated and less accurate in modern computing environment. Therefore, I am interested in improving the accuracy of georeferencing historical aerial photographs by addressing and solving those problems.
My backgrounds are Geomatics (Ph.D., M.S.C.E., Civil Engineering, Purdue University), Water Resources Engineering (M.E., Civil Engineering, Korea University) and Civil Engineering (B.E., Civil Engineering, Korea University).