Passion Blog Ideas: Cats and Crafts and Nature, Oh My!

As a very indecisive person, even thinking of things I am passionate about enough to write an entire blog challenges me. However, trying to put myself in other peoples shoes, I imagine they think of me in 3 words: cats, crafts, and nature (I tried thinking if nature has a good “c” synonym to add some nice alliteration, but I found nothing). So, I will elaborate on each of these points to think of a blog idea that could fit the theme.

1. Cats

I love cats. I love most animals actually, so I think this theme would go more broad so it encapsulates all animals/pets. I myself have 2 cats and 1 dog (I even made an Instagram for them @nemojoeyandoreo) and have volunteered at an animal shelter for 5 years (where my family and I adopted both of our cats… and hopefully a third!). In a time of stress and confusion, I think a jovial topic such as this could be a good idea to add some simple happiness into my everyday life. One blog idea could be looking at famous pets every week and researching their life stories as well as reviewing their content (and sharing videos and pictures I find). How did they become famous? What is their backstory? Where are they now?


Another idea, a little less cheerful, but very important, is to research and shed light on a different endangered species every week. This one is really interesting to me because I see have seen images such as a photo of an endangered species made up of pixels that equal the amount of that species left. I have also seen an artists series of painting endangered species with a mix of their decaying portrait and flags or tribal marking signifying their indigenous regions. Both images really made me stop and think and want to learn more about such a critical issue. I think it would be amazing to explore and hopefully educate myself and others of some of the many endangered species and what actions we can take to make a difference.


2. Crafts

I have always been a very creative and artsy person (not good at it, but I enjoy doing them). Recently I have gotten into flower pressing and embroidering. Both of these things have always calmed me down and I love making them as gifts for people. The blog idea for this would be to make and review different crafts every week. However, this one would be very limited as I am not home and do not have access to a lot of materials. I do think this would be very fun and calming for me though!


3. Nature

Going into an environmental related field, I have a lot of passion for nature and protecting the world around us. I wrote numerous college essays about this and how being around nature is a second home to me. I do not travel much, so I make sure to always look around me and not take the little things I see and hear for granted. Waking up and hearing the birds chirping, or watching the sunset always gives me a piece of mind. For this topic, I was thinking I could look into and write about both the bad and the good things that are currently happening  to our planet. Climate change, deforestation, pollution, exploitation of resources and many more negatives are causing harm to the world we live in, but it is always good to focus not only on the bad. I think this topic would be a good mix of alarming and uplifting.


4 thoughts on “Passion Blog Ideas: Cats and Crafts and Nature, Oh My!”

  1. Hi Marabelle! I think you have three ideas that you truly seem passionate about and could all make for great blogs. I was even wondering if it would be possible for you to combine the first and third idea you had by tying climate change and environment into endangered species. However, I think any of your ideas would be interesting!

  2. You have three great ideas about topics you are passionate about! Creating a list of future posts you could make every week under each topic and seeing which one you are most excited about is a great way to narrow down a topic for your passion blog. Courtney’s idea in the comment above about combining the first and third ideas into an environmental awareness blog is an excellent topic I would enjoy reading!

  3. While I really love your crafts idea, I also do not know how practical it would be with time and materials. I also think that your third idea of commenting on nature would be really great especially for your major; however, sometimes it can get really disheartening to read what is happening to our planet and at times can be upsetting to write about. Your cats idea is really cute and I think it’d be super fun and unique to write about famous pets!

  4. Hey Marabelle! Firstly, your crafts are a 10/10 😉 I would recommend the environmental blog ideas because we always need more youth-voices advocating for a greener world! There are also so many articles that you could write about regarding green practices in our very own community at PSU.

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