Rhetorical Analysis Essay Intro

The Youth Movement has been making a viral breakthrough these past few years with young activists protesting for climate change, black lives matter, gun law changes, education, and various other civic and global issues. Many young activists have become the center of attention, becoming a poster child for entire movements. Such examples are Greta Thunberg and her school strike for climate change movement and Joshua Wong for his pro-Democracy campaign in Hong Kong. These teens went viral with images of them sparking outcry in the public population, both inspiring others to act now, and inciting fear about the reality they live in. Through analyzing the rhetoric of two specific artifacts, one will see the common idea of how the lone individual’s action can affect the world to stand with them.

I am veryyy rusty from not having written an essay in a while. Any feedback is greatly appreciated because I need help haha. Thanks!

One thought on “Rhetorical Analysis Essay Intro”

  1. Good start! I would suggest starting with a more impactful hook and setting the scene for the youth movement. Try to incorporate vivid imagery and detail from a protest or from one of the various movements and then go on to tie it to the number of other movements happening in the country right now. I would explain the idea of a poster child a little more too. In the thesis, try to articulate the artifacts more specifically and highlight the specific rhetorical devices that you’ll go on to analyze.

    It’s a great start! I feel the same way about being super rusty about essay writing and I even consulted my 11th grade AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis for some ideas!

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