All posts by Marabelle Delaurentis


Hello everyone! We have a little of  shorter blog this week (I think) due to the limited information about this species on the internet! How surprising, I know.

Also a PSA: As you read this blog, pretend you do not see 👀🙈if I write “grey” in one sentence and then “gray” in another (like sometimes the literal next sentence). I use the “e” and “a” interchangeably based on the vibes~~ (Yes, I know I can easily edit them, but it makes this blog qUiRky)

Another PSA: if you are ever curious about the species and search up “gray ” in the IUCN, you will not find anything because they use “grey ”.… I am understanding why scientific names are so important right now. 

Ok I digress. Enjoy! 

Species of The Week: Gray Bat 

Myotis grisescens 
Adam Mann, Environmental Solutions and Innovations.

The gray bat – feared, hated, and casually killed — was tumbling toward extinction in 1959. These cave-dwelling bats, which once filled the evening skies over much of eastern North America, were so vulnerable to human destruction that hundreds of thousands were being slaughtered in single acts. 

The creature once flourished in caves all over the southeastern United States, but due to human disturbance, gray bat populations declined severely during the early and mid-portion of the 20th century. 95% of gray bats now only roost in 11 caves. 

Are They Endangered? 

While researching this species, I was seeing a lot of conflicting answers of whether the Grey Bat is endangered or vulnerable. I am coming to the conclusion that they are no longer endangered (They are still going to be a part of this blog though because they deserve some love). According to the IUCN, in 2008 these bats were “Near Threatened” and then as of 2018 they are considered “Vulnerable” 

This is the IUCN’s explanation for their rating 

“This species is listed as Vulnerable; it has been considered Endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, but there are several recuperation programs for this species reaching at the moment few million individuals. Despite large population size and good recovery, the species is regarded as being vulnerable to potential massive mortality from white-nose syndrome. Considering a time period of three generations (30 years), including both past (12 years) and future (18 years), this species is likely to decline by more than 30% across its geographic range. The expansion of WNS in eastern North America is threatening several species, like Myotis grisescens, causing that the species may reach the criteria for Vulnerable, considering that previous to 1990’s the declining in the population was larger than 50%, and the current scenarios are not favourable for many of these populations.” 


With rare exceptions, gray bats live in caves year-round. During the winter gray bats hibernate in deep, vertical caves. In the summer, they roost in caves which are scattered along rivers. These caves are in limited areas of the southeastern United States 

Fun Facts 

  • The Gray Myotis is the largest of the Myotis species occurring in the eastern U.S.
  • It is distinguished from all other bats within its range by its unicolored grayish brown dorsal fur. All other eastern bats have bi- or tri-colored fur on their backs. 
  • Territories tend to be controlled by reproductive females. These females seem to claim the same territory year after year #girlpower 
  • The bat’s wing membrane connects to its ankle instead of at the toe 
  • Gray bats use caves differently at different times of the year. For example, populations of gray bats tend to cluster in caves known as hibernacula to prepare for winter hibernation. In contrast, their populations disperse during the spring to establish sexually segregated colonies. 
  • After 37 years without a single documented gray bat within the state boundaries of Mississippi, on September 20, 2004, a male gray bat was discovered in Tishomingo County in northeastern Mississippi, 42 km south of the last known location of M. grisescens before their decline and disappearance within the state of Mississippi. 

Why are they in danger? 

Human Disturbance 

Gray bats are endangered largely because of their habit of living in very large numbers in only a few caves. As a result, they are extremely vulnerable to disturbance. Arousing bats while they are hibernating can cause them to use up a lot of energy, which lowers their energy reserves. If a bat runs out of reserves, it may leave the cave too soon and die. In June and July, when flightless young are present, human disturbance can lead to mortality as frightened females drop their young in the panic to flee from the intruder. 

Cave Commercialization and Improper Gating 

The commercialization of caves drives bats away. Any gating on the cave that prevents access or alters the air flow, temperature, humidity, and amount of light is harmful. 

This decline actually began with cave disturbance associated with saltpeter production during the Civil War. Some of the largest colonies were lost as a result of the cave commercialization. 

Habitat Loss or Degradation 

Habitat loss and degradation and contamination from pesticides also are considered a cause of decline. Natural flooding and impoundment of waterways has resulted in temporary impacts to some caves and the complete submersion and loss of other important cave sites. Even if the bats escape the flood, they have difficulty finding a new cave that is suitable. 

The use of forestry insecticides and crop pesticides in areas adjacent to riparian corridors where gray bats forage may reduce the prey base or kill bats that ingest contaminated insects. Some maternity and hibernating colonies are susceptible to human disturbance.

White-nose Syndrome

WNS killed roughly six million bats in 2014. It spread over two thousand kilometres within North America, and most of its impact is on eastern populations of bats, like Myotis grisescens. This disease is considered as one of the major threats to populations of this species.

What is being done? 


The gray bat was added to the U.S. List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants on April 28, 1976. 

Recovery Plan 

The Tennessee Valley Authority sponsored a recovery project that resulted in the protection of two critical maternity sites: the Hambrick and Nickajack caves in Tennessee. Blowing Wind Cave in northern Alabama, the most important summer cave known for gray bats, has been acquired by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and a gate has been placed across the entrance. Fern Cave, the largest known gray bat hibernaculum, has also been purchased by the Fish and Wildlife Service and is being managed for protection of the bats. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service also has acquired and protects additional caves in Alabama.

To protect habitat, The Nature Conservancy has established six voluntary protection agreements with private landowners for gray bat maternity sites. The National Park Service restricts human access to six Gray Bat maternity caves on its lands and monitors them for possible disturbance. The Indiana Bat and Gray Bat Comprehensive Plan contains a detailed list of caves that have been protected or are currently being managed.

Habitat Protection 

A variety of government and private conservation agencies are all working to preserve grey bats and their caves. 

Cave protection efforts have led to recent population increases. By 1991, the range-wide population was stable and perhaps growing, apparently due to successful cave protection efforts.


And that’s it for this week!

Issue Brief: Climate Change Awareness

With the Biden administration rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, the topic of climate change is once again making headlines. Many environmentalists, including myself, are hopeful that the issues related to climate change will be attacked head-on and legislative action will be taken. The issue I seek to address in my brief is one relating to the topic of climate change and the education that is given about it. I hope to talk about incorporating educational classes of all levels within schools. Things such as health class or gym are made mandatory for students, presentations on bullying and sexual assault are given, and posters around campuses given info about the latest covid rules and regulations. Why can similar things not be done about climate change issues? 

The cause of this problem is inadvertent in that there is unawareness about the urgency of climate change and an unwillingness to act due to ignorance. Many adults are now misinformed, disinformed, or uninformed about climate change and therefore do not take action, seek action, or teach others to act because they do not consider it to be an issue. If we can make individuals informed about environmental issues from a young age, then they will grow to be adults who are at the very least aware of a huge issue and rethink their actions.  

I think the main policy instruments I will use are capacity builders and system changes. The main purpose of this brief is to seek out giving more education on environmental topics such as climate age. This can be as simple as hanging posters in the classroom, having an environmental day, or inviting environmental activists to speak. However, I think it can be important to consider reforming the education system in the sense that teaching about climate change should be as much of a priority as learning about sexual education. I understand many do not think those two are on the same level of importance, but that is where the issue lies. Teaching kids about climate change is more than just teaching students about reduce, reuse, and recycling. It is about having a global perspective, having empathy, being informed about current events, and even about social injustices.  

Are Reusable Bags Worth It? 

If you are like me, you have 1000 different reusable bags. They are made of all assorted colors, designs, sizes, and materials. You also probably have at least one in every room of your house, a bunch hidden in the closet, and 20 more In the car truck in case you forget. Ok, while this may be an exaggeration, the fact that buying reusable bags as a trend is not an exaggeration 

So, are reusable bags really better for the environment? 

The short answer is yes, but there are other factors to consider, including manufacturing costs, product lifespan, and time spent in actual use. 

Why are Plastic Bags bad?

Environmental impact 

Plastic bags are from the same source as all plastic: crude oil. Like everything else manufactured from this non-renewable resource, it has two major drawbacks: manufacturing it emits considerable amounts of pollution, and the product is not biodegradable. In other words, it is difficult to produce, and nearly impossible to get rid of once produced. According to the Natural Environment website, 60 to 100 million barrels of oil are required to manufacture a year’s worth of plastic bags worldwide, and it takes approximately 400 years at least for a bag to biodegrade.

Human Impact  

On land, plastic bags are one of the most common types of litter worldwide. Build-ups of plastic bags are notorious for causing blockages of local drainage systems in developing countries. For instance, in the floods in Bangladesh in 1988 and 1998, and frequent flooding in Manila is believed to have been caused by blockages caused by this litter. Plastic bags also pose serious health hazards to populations as over time they leach toxic chemicals into drinking water supplies. 

Plastic bags are hugely difficult to recycle. Many of the plastic bags collected by recycling companies cannot be reused or recycled, and when they don’t end up in the natural environment or a landfill, they are shipped to Asia. There, sweatshop workers pick through the trash looking for plastics that can be melted down and reused there. 

The Animal Impact 

Plastic bags are harming animals by the dozens. Thousands of birds die every year due to ingesting substantial amounts of plastic bag remnants. At least 260 other species of animals are also at risk of ingesting or getting entangled in plastic bags. 

Most marine animals mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and feed on them. Sea turtles are in danger of becoming endangered due to the mass ingestion of plastics. These animals eat so many plastic bags that their stomachs have no room for actual food, leaving them in danger of starvation. 

Other dangers of plastic bags on animals is suffocation and strangulation from becoming caught in plastic bags. Dolphins, seals, sharks, flamingos, seagulls, pelicans, and other animals and birds have been found dead due to getting stuck in plastic bags. 

Another major impact of plastic bags on the environment is that they degrade into smaller pieces and get eaten by aquatic organisms, small fish, and jellyfish. The toxic chemicals from the plastic waste then enters the food chain increasing concentrations as larger fish feed on smaller ones and other animals feed on the fish – including human beings.  

Comparison of Reusable bags and Single-Use Bags 

Before we can get into this, we must talk about how we can compare reusable bags to nonreusable bags in the first place. As this is a debated topic, there are different perspectives we must consider about rating the overall environmental impact of bags.

Here are the main 3 areas and some of the considerations of each: 

  1. Production – What is the impact of producing one bag 
    • Energy input 
    • Natural resource use 
    • Transportation 
    • Emissions from manufacturing
  2. Use – How use of the product impacts humans or the environment 
    • Impact on human health 
    • Lifespan of the product 
    • Environmental impact of use (if any) 
  3. Post Use – How disposal of the product impacts the environment 
    • Pollution of natural environment 
    • Emissions from disposal (gasses from breakdown in landfill or incineration) 
    • Cost of recycling 

In addition, here are some different types of bags we will be discussing. 

Disposable Bags: 

  1. Basic Plastic (HDPE) – High Density Polyethylene – this is the lightweight single-use plastic bags you find at almost every grocery store.
  2. Paper – Paper bags are less common than plastic bags but can still be found in some stores. They are the original “disposable” bag and are intended for single use.

Reusable Bags:

  1. Cotton – These bags are often referred to as “totes”. They are woven from cotton and are build to be reused many times. 
  2. Polypropylene – This is one of the most common types of reusable bags now being distributed by retailers. Made from a more durable plastic than the HDPE bag, this reusable bag is build to be reused many times and often has a rigid insert in the bottom for added strength.

Impact of Different Bags 

The environmental impact of 1 bag when looking at the total life. 

Note that this is from a study from 2004, but I found the information to be very clear and well researched!  

Reusable bags require more material and more energy input than disposable bags which gives them a bigger environmental footprint when comparing them 1 to 1. 

For 1 bag we can see that the standard disposable bags (HDPE) has the lowest impact. 

But since the average person uses hundreds of plastic bags every year, we have to consider how many plastic or paper bags you displace by using a reusable bag. 

Note: Cotton bags are not included in this graph. The study states that the global warming potential of cotton bags is more than 10 times the impact of any other bag. 

Break-Even Point?

When does a reusable bag become more environmentally friendly than a disposable bag? 

To be more eco-friendly than a disposable plastic bag you would need to use these alternatives this many times: 

Paper Bags: 4 Times 

Polypropylenes: 14 Times 

Cotton: 173 Times 

Other Important Considerations 

There are many variables to consider when trying to reduce your environmental impact that can affect your decisions. 

Reusing Disposable Bags 

When you reuse plastic bags multiple times (even if you use them as a trashcan liner) that will bring down their environmental impact. When you do not have the option to turn down plastic bags, reusing them is the best way to reduce their impact. Get creative with them and make them last as long as possible! 

Other Materials 

As this study proves, not all bags are made equal. If you can use repurposed or recycled materials to make your own tote, you will reduce your carbon footprint even more. I have seen on Pinterest so many ideas on turning old shirts into bags, so really, there is no excuse! 

Using raw materials will almost always have a larger impact on repurposing existing materials. Before you buy a reusable bag you may want to see if you already have a worthy substitute at home, or if you have a friend who already has too many… 

Too Many Bags? 

Reusable bags are becoming more popular and many brands give them out for free as promotional items. If you start to accumulate reusable bags you can actually increase your environmental impact.  

Remember that the best way to reduce your impact is to use less and reuse as often as possible. 

Key Takeaways 

Ok so this was a lot. I know I learned a lot, and I hope you did too! Here is a little recap if your last brain cell took a nap! 

  • Producing 1 plastic bag has a relatively low environmental impact. The impact of this type of disposable bag comes from using so many of them. 
  • Paper bags are only more eco-friendly when reused 4 times or more. 
  • Polypropylene bags are a good choice when considering a reusable alternative. After only 14 uses this bag is already more eco-friendly than conventional plastic bags. 
  • Cotton bags have a surprisingly high environmental impact because of the effort that goes into growing cotton and producing the bags. If you can keep this bag for a long time, it will be more eco-friendly than plastic bags, but it requires over 173 uses to break even. 
  • The more times you use a bag, the more environmentally friendly it becomes. Take care of your bags and don’t accumulate more than you need. 


Fun Fact: This idea came to me last semester during a group project about the environment. My group was just chatting about reusable material and items and the TA started questioning us about our comments. He was asking how we knew it was better for the environment and that it might just be another case of greenwashing. This got me super-heated and I had to research the answer right away. The survey I talked about in this blog is the one I found from that research, and I am glad I got to talk about it again!


A Ribbetting Species

Hey everyone! Here is this week’s blog! It was actually a request from [insert person’s name]. Enjoy! 🐸

Species of The Week: Panamanian Golden Frog 

Atelopus zeteki 

The Panamanian golden frog is a small, brightly colored, frog-like toad. 

The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species classifies the Panamanian golden frog as critically endangered. These toads were once fairly common and had been seen in the wild as recently as 2005 but have since all but disappeared throughout their northern range. They are assumed to be rare or extinct on Cerro Campana and have been extinct at El Valle de Antón for more than 40 years. 

While they may be gone from their native forests, Panamanian Golden Frogs are still found in managed-care facilities throughout North America. 


Panamanian golden frogs live in two types of habitats: wet forest streams and dry forest streams. They inhabit streams along the slopes of the Central Cordilleran rainforests and cloud forests of western-central Panama. 

Fun Facts

  • The Panamanian golden frog is Panama’s national animal. 
  • Studies have shown that Panamanian golden frogs have enough toxins in their skin to kill more than 1,000 mice. 
  • The highly toxic skin of the frog has been used for centuries by the native people of the Panamanian forests for arrow poison 
  • Males attract females with visual displays, instead of calling as most male frogs and toads do. These attractive displays include leg and head twitching, stamping the ground, and hopping in place. Male frogs often wave their arms to communicate with females who will wave back if interested. 
  • The females are much larger than the males: up to 25 percent longer and heavier. 
  • In conservation efforts, over 300 toads were kept in a temporary “golden frog hotel”. The frogs were treated to daily cleansing rinses, 24-hour room service, and exotic lunches of specialty crickets  

Why are they in danger? 

Threats to this species include habitat loss and fragmentation, over-collection for the pet trade, and most notably, chytridiomycosis (amphibian chytrid fungus).  

Chytridiomycosis is an emerging disease caused by an aquatic fungal pathogen, called amphibian chytrid fungus. Populations in El Copé disappeared over the course of just a few months in late 2004 due to this disease. Emerging disease is the greatest threat facing these toads today. 

What is being done? 

Managed Care Facilities 

The San Diego Zoo started a conservation effort and received the first Panamianian Golden Frogs in 2003. Since then, they have been able to successfully breed 500 individuals in captivity but will not release them into the wild until the fungal disease is less of a threat. The San Diego zoo also sends money to Panama to keep up the conservation effort in the frogs’ native country. 

Project Golden Frog 

Project Golden Frog is a conservation project involving scientific, educational, and zoological institutions in the Republic of Panama and the United States.

The intended outcomes of this project include:

  • A greater understanding of the Panamanian golden frog
  • A coordinated conservation effort by governmental agencies and nongovernmental organizations
  • Heightened awareness of current global amphibian declines,
  • Greater respect for wildlife among Panamanians and global citizens
  • Greater land preservation for threatened and endangered species throughout the world.

This organization will use education and field studies, producing offspring through the already captive toads, and offering financial support to help preserve these toads. 

The Amphibian Recovery Conservation Coalition (2004) 

This was the coalition that exported the endangered amphibians to the US, believing it was a better environment for the endangered species.

In 2005, the Houston Zoo established the El Valle Amphibian Conservation Center (EVACC) in Panama, so the endangered frogs could have protected facilities in their native country. EVACC has become a tourist attraction and the populations of the housed species are watched closely by researchers. 

Golden Frog Species Survival Program and Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project  

Golden Frog Species Survival Program (SSP) is a collaboration between zoos and NGOs. The program works to protect the golden frog, as well as 12 other at-risk species of amphibians in Panama through the Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project (PARC). Through research and maintaining an assurance population of frogs in human care, including Panamanian golden frogs, the SSP hopes to avoid their extinction. 

 Aaaand that’s it! This week’s blog was froggin good, eh? I hope I didn’t froget anything because that would be unfrogivable. Ok I’ll stop bugging you.


Meatless Mondays

Ever since I took an environmental course my junior year of high school, I have religiously been doing Meatless Mondays. I have even documented my Monday meals on my Instagram to not only keep me accountable but show my friends how easy it is and that this simple action is doable. Since I live with my family, Meatless Mondays have been adopted by all of them (at least for dinner), which I think is a big step for a meat-eater family. Now in college, I continue with this tradition, and while there are limited options for a vegetarian meal for a picky eater like me, I am dedicated to keeping following through with it. I have even started to influence the friends I eat lunch with to join me on no meat Mondays. 

Now, the real question is why am I doing this? Will eating no meat for only one day a week really have any positive benefits on the environment? Well, let’s find out! 

Brief History:

Surprisingly, the reason for Meatless Monday, or any day of advertised no meat, started over 100 years ago in the United States as an effort to ration food for the war. Then in 2003, Meatless Mondays resurfaced to encourage people to eat less red meat for health reasons. Now in 2021, while there is a multitude of reasons for eating no meat, the biggest factor is an environmental one.  

The Issue: 

Greenhouse gases (GHG) are gases that act as a thermal blanket for the earth, keeping the surface of the Earth warm enough for humans to survive. Over the last century, the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has increased greatly, much of it caused by human activities, primarily burning of fossil fuels (coal, hydrocarbon gas liquids, natural gas, and petroleum) for energy use. Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human activities that have caused increased levels of GHG in the atmosphereGlobal GHG emissions come from different sectors, including electricity, transportation, industry and agriculture. While agriculture sector may seem insignificant to other sectors, it should not be overlooked. GHG emissions from agriculture have increased by 10.1 percent since 1990. In 2010 the food system overall emitted an estimated 5.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalents, and three-fourths of these emissions were from the production of animal products. Researchers estimate that between 2010 and 2050, in the absence of technological changes and mitigation measures, the environmental impact of the food system could increase by 50 to 92 percent due to a growing population and changing diets. 

Water Use: 

With water scarcity being a global issue, it is important to reduce our water usage whenever we can. It takes a lot of water to produce meat, especially beef, which has the highest water footprint of all foods. The water footprint of any animal-based food is larger than the water footprint of many plant-based foods with similar nutritional values. Considering all stages of production, one kilogram of beef requires nearly 40 times more water compared to the same amount of vegetables. A hamburger made with one quarter pound of beef requires 425 gallons of water to produce. The water use primarily comes from growing feed crops, raising the animals, and waste treatment. Eating a more plant-based diet could decrease agricultural water use by 50 percent. 

Land Use: 

Raising animals for meat, dairy, and egg production requires a significant amount of land, leading to deforestation and the loss of other carbon-sequestering natural lands. Livestock production uses 75 percent of the earth’s agricultural land, primarily for beef and dairy cattle grazing and growing crops for animal feed. Rain forests and other natural lands are also cleared for cattle grazing and feed crop production, which further intensifies the carbon impact of animal production. The meat industry is the most significant driver of land-use change. Approximately 13 billion hectares (50 million square miles) of forest area are cleared for agricultural purposes each year. Shifting to a more plant-based diet could decrease agricultural land use by 80 percent. 

mm livestock agricultural

Biodiversity and Species Loss: 

Livestock production is the biggest human contributor to species decline and has led to over 60 percent decline in species populations since 1970. Agricultural activities cause eutrophication, a process whereby excessive algal growth depletes the aquatic oxygen supply, creating what are referred to as “dead zones.” Eutrophication is the leading cause of habitat loss globally. Wide-scale dietary shifts from heavy meat consumption to plant-based diets, would provide benefits for soil health and biodiversity. 

Shifting to a More Plant-Based Diet: 

Reductions in meat consumption can have a profound effect on the environment. A systematic review of potential changes in GHG emissions, land use, and water use from shifting current dietary patterns confirmed the greatest positive impacts of dietary shifts will come from eating less meat from ruminant animals, eating less dairy and meat from other sources, and eating more plant based foods. Another study calculated the impact of following global dietary guidelines for red meat, sugar, fruits, vegetables, and total energy intake and predicted a decrease in GHG emissions by 29 percent compared with 2050 “business as usual” projections. Note how it only says, “dietary guidelines” and not a full vegetarian or vegan diet. One does not need to cut out meat completely for changes to occur, they just need to reduce their consumption. Further replacing most animal products with less GHG-intensive food types (greater amounts of vegetables, fruit, nuts, and legumes) in a flexitarian diet would represent a 52 percent decrease in GHG from what is projected with “business as usual” scenarios. Addressing food waste and technology solutions would reduce GHG emissions even further. 

Meatless Mondays? 

With meat consumption increasing rapidly around the globethe developed world needs to shift to a more sustainable approach to meat consumption. Meatless Monday is the perfect first step to make this sustainable change. Just as it did for me, it promotes a healthier lifestyle of thinking about your food choices and eating food that has a lower carbon footprint. We don’t need only meat to survive, but if you can’t give up on meat, reducing your consumption of it is also a great start. In the US, substituting meat with plant-based foods one day a week could reduce one person’s diet-related GHG footprint by nearly 5 percent, based on the typical US diet. If 30 percent of the US population practiced Meatless Monday, the overall decrease in diet related GHG emissions for the United States alone would be about 1.5 percent, which is equal to the impact of the estimated number of current vegans and vegetarians! This once again emphasizes the point that we don’t need 100 people eating no meat, but 1,000 people eating less meat! Globally, eliminating meat for one day per week could reduce diet-related GHG emissions by an estimated 1.0 to 1.3 Gigaton (Gt) per year relative to predicted scenarios based on current consumption patterns. Reducing emissions by 1.3 Gt would be equivalent to taking 273 million cars off the road, based on the typical passenger vehicle in the United States, which is equivalent to the number of cars in the US in 2017. 

climate week smart phones


While there is still so much to research on this topic (animal cruelty, health benefits, “fake” meat, etc…), I think it is safe to say eating no meat a day does have an impact. If given the chance, try reducing your own meat consumption and maybe start your own Meatless Monday traditions. The more the merrier! 


Environmental Research About Meatless Monday – Meatless Monday. 28 July 2020,

Meat and Climate on Your Plate. Oct. 2019,

Parker, Cindy L. Slowing Global Warming: Benefits for Patients and the Planet. 1 Aug. 2011,

Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions. 4 Dec. 2020,

PS: This isn’t related to the blog, but I wanted to let everyone know of my misfortune that when I was halfway through writing this, my computer decided not to save anything for when I opened it the next day… but oh well:’) 


Save the Turtles sksksk

Endangered Species of the Week:  Hawksbill Sea Turtles

Eretmochelys imbricata


Not particularly large compared to other sea turtles, hawksbills grow up to about 45 inches in shell length and 150 pounds in weight. While young, their carapace, or upper shell, is heart-shaped, and as they mature it elongates. Their strikingly colored carapace is serrated and has overlapping scutes, or thick bony plates.

The hawksbill turtle’s tapered head ends in a sharp point resembling a bird’s beak, hence its name. A further distinctive feature is a pair of claws adorning each flipper. Male hawksbills have longer claws, thicker tails, and somewhat brighter coloring than females.

Hawskbill Sea Turtles are Critically Endangered.


Hawksbill turtles are found throughout the tropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. They avoid deep waters, preferring coastlines where the sponges they like to feed on are abundant, and sandy nesting sites are within reach. These highly migratory reptiles help maintain a healthy coral reef ecosystem.

Fun Facts:

  • Sea turtles are the living representatives of a group of reptiles that have existed on Earth and traveled our seas for the last 100 million years.
  • Hawksbills are omnivorous and will also eat mollusks, marine algae, crustaceans, sea urchins, fish, and jellyfish.
  • Every two to five years, female hawksbills return to the beaches where they were born to nest, which normally takes place in shallow waters close to the shore.
  • Adult Hawksbills can hold their breath for up to 3 hours, but typically surface every 10-15 minutes

Why they matter:

They are a fundamental link in marine ecosystems and help maintain the health of coral reefs and seagrass beds. As they remove prey such as sponges from the reef’s surface, they provide better access for reef fish to feed.  They also have cultural significance and tourism value.  For example, for local residents in the Coral Triangle, the flow of visitors who come to admire turtles is a vital source of income.

What is Threatening Them?

Like other sea turtles, hawksbills are threatened by the loss of nesting and feeding habitats, excessive egg collection, fishery-related mortality, pollution, and coastal development. However, they are most threatened by wildlife trade.


The shell trade for tourists is a serious threat to Madagascar’s marine resources.

Despite their current protection under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and many national laws, there is still a disturbingly large amount of illegal trade in hawksbill shells and products. They are much sought after throughout the tropics for their beautiful brown and yellow carapace plates that are manufactured into tortoiseshell items for jewelry and ornaments. In recent decades, eastern Asia has provided an eager market for tortoiseshell.


Hawksbills are particularly susceptible to entanglement in gillnets and accidental capture on fishing hooks. Sea turtles need to reach the surface to breathe, and therefore many drown once caught. Known as bycatch, this is a serious threat to hawksbill turtles. As fishing activity expands, this threat is more of a problem.

What is Being Done?

Hawksbill turtles are protected by international agreements like the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the Convention on Migratory Species. This level of international cooperation is essential to the conservation of hawksbills given their wide geographic range.

Advocates are also working to protect the hawksbill turtle’s habitats by designating them marine sanctuaries or aquatic preserves, while researchers like Photo Ark EDGE Fellow Daniel Arauz are gathering data on hawksbill populations to help raise awareness among local communities and improve conservation strategies.

What does WWF do?


WWF aims to reduce turtle bycatch by working with fisheries to switch to more turtle-friendly fishing hooks (“circle” hooks) and advocates for the use of special turtle excluder devices in nets. They run an international competition, known as Smart Gear, to attract creative new ways to solve bycatch problems and advance the best of those ideas. Winning devices have been designed to minimize the bycatch of turtles on tuna longlines and help turtles avoid gillnets.


WWF  works around the world to establish marine protected areas (MPA)  to ensure sea turtles have a safe place to nest, feed, and migrate freely.  They encourage governments to strengthen legislation and provide funding for sea turtle protection. WWF  also supports the monitoring and patrolling of turtle nests in many parts of the world to equip local turtle conservationists. This often leads to ecotourism opportunities and offers alternative livelihoods.


Satellite telemetry allows researchers to track sea turtles as they swim from place to place. These satellite tags do not harm the turtles in any way and are designed to eventually fall off. The data will tell researchers where important feeding areas are, help them understand migration patterns, and anticipate where turtles may come in contact with fisheries and their gear.


WWF works with communities to reduce turtle harvesting and local trade in the Coral Triangle. In Malaysia, they help raise awareness about the threats hawksbills face and communicate the importance of protecting them. Exploitation of  turtles is often driven by a lack of economic choices so WWF works to develop alternative livelihoods so that local people are no longer dependent on turtle products for income. WWF also works to stop the illegal trade of hawksbill products around the world through TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network. They also train and equip local rangers to protect turtles from poaching and patrol nesting beaches.


And that’s it for this week! byee



This I Believe DRAFT

My marching band finally made it to the bus after a hot day at Disney. Coming from New York in winter, the hot temperature change was welcoming, but we needed adjustment. I can still remember the sweat dripping down my face. Now, here is the part my friends will never let me forget. We were all resting up and hydrating when suddenly my friend asked if anyone had extra water. She was in the row across from me. I hesitantly looked at her, then down to my ice-cold reusable water bottle in my hand, and back to her sweating face. I knew I had to help, so I meekly replied I had some. Yet, one look at my expression, and she said never mind 

Life as a semi-food germaphobe has been challenging for me, yet it is a quirk that I am glad to have because it makes me who I am. While I sometimes refrain from eating delicious homemade desserts from friends or tear up when someone touches the corner of my dinner plate, being peculiar (to say the least) about germs has allowed me to not only to find friends and communities who accept me but pushed me to be more outgoing and opinionated.  

Does anyone ever have that moment when you knew you met your best friend?  Well, my moment was in French class during high school. Our teacher brought in doughnuts as a nice treat (or belle gâterie as she called it). Then before the teacher even handed out the doughnuts, my friend yelled wait! And she asked that the teacher give me a doughnut first. As embarrassed as I was, it is true that I did get first pick and I did eat that donut. 

My germaphobia has not only become a magnet for future soul sisters, but it taught me that if I have an issue, it is my responsibility to speak up. While numerous uncomfortable situations have arisen, if I speak up about my issues, the people around me are always accommodating and it can even turn into laughs. This rationality has even transcended from my views on cleanliness into my stance on the environment and other societal problems. I have learned that sometimes it is awkward to do things not yet the status quo, like specifying no straws when I order a drink or bringing containers to restaurants, but that it is necessary to start sustainably changing my lifestyle.  

So, while my quirk has caused me many awkward confrontations, it has also inspired me to grow and not only find people who appreciate me for me but prompted me to love myself and inspire positive changes. 

So, I believe in embracing your quirks, even if consists of being afraid of food germs. 

Some notes:

  • This essay is only 460 words and the requirement is 500-600. I will need to add more. 
  • A concern I have is organization. I think I give a thesis in the last sentence of the second paragraph and then my next body is explaining one thing I learned from my quirk, and the body after that is another thing I learned from my quirk. I am not sure how well everything flows though
  • Another thing to note is I think I need more reflection here. I am worried my essay is shaped very similarly to the milk before cereal essay. I will need to somehow add more reflections that I learned from the stories I present.
  • I know I can definitely add more to the environmental stance part of this essay because that is a huge part of me and it only got like 2 sentences. I am just not sure how to expand it.
  • I think it would be cool to add a prevailing theme/metaphor about food and germaphobia throughout the piece, but I am not sure how to do that.


Future Blogs!

This is my blog announcement about my confirmed future blogs!

Passion Blog: Endangered Species OTW

Civic Issue  Blog Idea: Fact or Myth of Consumers Environmental Actions

I will be looking into actions the average consumer is told to take to reduce their environmental footprint to expose how much of an impact it really has. Through this blog, I hope to gain solid evidence on why even the littlest actions could help, and also show how in some cases, more action is needed to have a bigger effect!

Blog Ideas Pt.2!

Hello blog, I’m back! Happy New Year!

“This I Believe” podcast ideas:

Honestly… I have no clue. I have spent an hour reading other people’s stories and nearly everyone has made me burst into tears because I was able to relate to their fears and challenges in some way. Maybe it was a child growing up, a parent passing away, the realization that you are not a princess or a superstar… All I have taken away from reading these stories is that one, I am an emotional person, and two, I have a lot of fears. Typing this out is making me question why I am like this, and potentially a topic can come out of those. But ask me what I believe? I don’t know. I could easily say I believe in living every day to the fullest, always be thankful, or even seize every moment (which was the quote on my graduation cap). But, all these seemingly obvious truths to live by just don’t resonate clearly with me and I feel I don’t follow these truths as much as I would love to. So, this is a very unproductive answer, but I will keep reflecting on myself to see if I can find what I truly believe in and who I am.

This got deep for no reason haha. I rethought it and I remember a story relating to my food germaphobia that might be interesting to go into as it is a big part of who I am and how I react to certain things.

Passion Blog Idea:

I will be continuing with revealing an endangered species every week! There are so many I have yet to post about, and unfortunately, the list seems endless.

Civic Issue  Blog Ideas:

I think this would be the perfect opportunity to blog about the things I do or hear relating to the environment and research what impact they truly have. For example, how much better for the environment is it to use reusable straws and containers? What about bags? Why do we need to unplug chargers and turn off lights when they are not in use? How much of an impact does eating meatless on Mondays truly have? These are all questions I ask myself and I give a simple answer of “Oh, It’s good for the environment so we should all do this.” But what are the real facts behind this, and if I know these answers, could I give proper arguments to family and friends on the importance of changing their daily habits in these ways? I think so, and this blog will give me the push I need to do the research.


Coca-Cola Christmas Commercial 2020 (EC)

This Coca-Cola Christmas advertisement uses pathos and kairos to persuade its audience to give the gift of coke this holiday season.

The commercial starts on a calm snowy day. The father, our main character, leaves his house to go to work. As he gets in the car, his young daughter calls out to him and hands him a letter that says it’s for Santa Clause.  The colors are muted and the music is peaceful. Time skips and the man is at work. He takes a break and sits down to take a coke out from his lunch box. In that box, we see the letter his daughter gave him. After a satisfying sip, a boat honks in the distance, and all of a sudden the music changes to upbeat and adventurous.  The man decides to go on a lone adventure to get to the north pole to deliver his daughter’s letter. However, disaster strikes. HIs boat motor stops working and he is left stranded. The music sounds sad and hopeless. Then, in a Moby Dick like scene, a whale comes and knocks the man out of the boat. He is seen abandoned in the water clutching the letter. From then on he wakes up and the music becomes uplifting again. The man goes through all sorts of sceneries and hardships to reach his final destination. Through his determination, he makes it to the north pole with the bright aurora Borealis behind him. The music is loud and encouraging as Santas’s house is in view. However, upon further looks, Santas’s house reads closed for Christmas. The man, visibly upset, suddenly hears a honk. Here comes the brightly illuminated coca-cola truck here to save him! the man gets in the truck and he makes it back to his house. When he gets out of the truck, the driver hands the man the letter that was left at Santa’s house. The man is confused, yet he opens it. In a sweet surprise, the letter from his daughter says, “Dear Santa, please bring daddy home for Christmas.” The last thing we see is the father smiling and hugging his daughter and the face of the driver is revealed: Sant Clause. The slogan, “This Christmas, give something only you can give” appears on the screen after the classic coca-cola logo.

Looking at just the youtube comments, we can see this commercial had a huge impact on its viewers. Many said they cried after watching this video. Many also said it made them feel grateful for what they had. Some also took it as a symbol for 2020. These responses are due to the rhetorical choices the company made.

They kairotically took advantage of the current time; it is the months leading up to Christmas. Many have been counting down the days since Halloween ended. Christmas is such a joyous occasion for both those who do and don’t celebrate it. It is a time where it is commonplace to reflect on yourself and your loved ones and show your appreciation. The commercial made numerous references to typical holiday themes, the most prevalent one being the idea of Santa Clause. However, the mostly snowy scenery helped set a wintery vibe that all viewers think of when they picture the December holidays. It helped viewers connect to what they were seeing and put them in a good mood. There is also an emphasis on the self-reflections that go on during this time of the month. The father went through numerous hardships to complete his goal, and in the end, he succeeded. This success story is one many people hope to feel. And the clever placing of cokes throughout the story where the main character gets inspiration helps convince viewers that a nice cold glass of coca-cola may spark some inspiration in themselves to go on an adventure.

They also used pathos in order to sway the emotions of the viewers to want to support the brand. The story is not just about a man’s journey, but it is about a father’s journey to fulfill his daughter’s wish. The beginning and end scenes that show the father and daughter interactions connect to all viewers with parents or who are parents and love each other. The last moment when the daughter’s letter to Santa is revealed emphasized the importance of this familiar relationship. It makes one think about their own loved ones and realize the gift many wants is to just show their love and support. It only takes one text or calls to make time for the ones you love. Coca Cola emphasizes this point that the best gifts are the ones only you can give because it is your presence. This sweet message makes all viewers can’t help but want to support coca-cola and drink with their loved ones as they connect.

So, this Coca  Cola advertisement takes advantage of the holiday seasons and appeals to the emotions of its viewers to not only spread a heartfelt message but to advertise their products.

Happy Holidays!🎄⛄🕎❄👨‍👩‍👧‍👦