film synthesis
ceramic processing
electron-beam evaporator
This instrument features a MeiVac 6-pocket e-beam source. The e-beam tool is used for three primary functions: (1) preparing clean metallization including layered stacks for wide bandgap III-N materials and noble metal films with adhesion layers; (2) suboxides of SiO2 and Al2O3 as protective and/or dielectric layers in plasmonic stacks; and (3) Ge|AlOx multilayer stacks from which distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) and TAMM modes can be engineered. This load-locked instrument features rapid pumpdown time, a base pressure in the 10-9 Torr range, and uniform coverage of 4″ wafers. This instrument was constructed with support from the US Army Research Office.
Kevin Ferri, Angel Cleri, and Josh Nordlander are the principal instrument users.