The Top 5 Weirdest Places I’ve Slept



Let’s take a break from me talking about my odd dreams and talk about the 5 most absurd places I’ve fallen asleep in. Are you ready? Here we go.

  1. The club. (In Korea where I am legal to drink.) Because I am a lightweight, I get drunk off a shot and another drink, but I also get extremely tired before throwing up. I was on the couch near the bar when I fell asleep, and my friends slowly left me to go dancing on the floor or to play beer pong. I awoke curled up onto the couch when I clearly remember falling asleep with my head tilted back onto the wall behind me. Immediately, I rushed to the bathroom quickly.
  2. A karaoke room. I was so tired and jet lagged from flying halfway across the world that I took a quick break to gather my energy back up before continuing my singing with my friends. In the picture below, I’m in front of the heater in the front of the room (because the back of the room was honestly freezing), lying on my arm, and my friend snuck a picture of me. Another friend told me that I was “dabbing into the night.”
  3. A party. Although the party was kind of dead since there were several going on that night, and my friends and I happened to just go to the wrong one, I fell asleep sprawled out on their couch because I was just that bored. After filling my stomach up with chips and Oreos that the girl hosting the party had offered to me and my friends, I plopped myself onto her couch and took a quick nap to just pass time since my friends didn’t want to leave just yet (pictured below).
  4. In front of my teacher. I was literally having a conversation with my AP Government and Politics teacher in high school when I briefly fell asleep with my eyes open – that’s how tired I had been towards the end of senior year. He didn’t notice, and I never told him, but it was nothing against him – I was just one tired teenage girl who was relieved she got into Penn State; so much so that she felt that giving any sort of effort in high school seemed pointless since she got accepted into her dream school.
  5. In McDonald’s. After a long, hard, long night of hanging out with friends, I fell asleep while eating my chicken nuggets and fries on the table at McDonald’s (pictured below). Across from me, my friend also fell asleep with me since we were both extremely tired. I vaguely remember us having a conversation; however, it ended mysteriously, and we continued it in our dreams. I awoke once my other friends said it was time to finally go home.

I’m not sure if I’m the only one who possesses this handy superpower of being able to fall asleep anywhere (because I’m the only one out of all my friends), but if you can, too, let’s share the wealth together(:

Happy sleeping ~~




One thought on “The Top 5 Weirdest Places I’ve Slept

  1. Jordan Hillsley

    This is awesome! I know it is a late comment but I relate to this. i am always falling asleep whether it is at the movie theater, class, in a car, or just sitting in a chair talking to my friends. I love the blog and encourage you to keep up the sleeping.

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